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I was on the M60A3 from 81-89 (TC for about 3 years of that and then I was an TC3 course instructor at Knox for 2 years). It's been awhile so some stuff isn't so clear to me as it used to be but maybe I might could answer your question(s).
Thanks DD. Sent pm.
I was on the M60A3 from 81-89 (TC for about 3 years of that and then I was an TC3 course instructor at Knox for 2 years). It's been awhile so some stuff isn't so clear to me as it used to be but maybe I might could answer your question(s).

This is hilarious. You might have trained me.....I had Cadet training (we called it Armor week) as a cadet in 1988. Then I did AOBC in 1991
This is hilarious. You might have trained me.....I had Cadet training (we called it Armor week) as a cadet in 1988. Then I did AOBC in 1991
LOL, could be. I got to Knox in June 87 and then left about May 89 for Recruiter School. The AOBC would have been through another unit, 10th CAV I think (different units handled different courses). We handled TC3 (Tank Commander Certification Course) which was mainly a refresher course for Armor Officer/NCOs who were coming back to tanks from long term non-armor special duty like drill sergeants, recruiters, etc. B/5/12 Cav did the M1s groups, we (A/5/12 Cav) did M60A3s. We also trained a lot of foreign officers for middle east nations who were using or buying A3s. Fun times for sure.
If all the games that Microprose is developing and publishing turn out to be good, it will only bode well for computer war gaming.
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Thanks. I responded by PM.
As per my PM, in case you had trouble with scrolling the 3D view. Here is a screenshot of the seat you asked about (can't remember the official nomenclature, we just called it the autobahn seat). Mounted at the rear of the TC's station, on the turret ceiling.

Thanks. I saw the post for facebook.
That's on the turret roof and the cupola rotates above that opening that I see in the roof right?
Is the cupola hatch and the opening in the turret roof always concentric? Is there another hatch to close off the cupola from the turret?
That's on the turret roof and the cupola rotates above that opening that I see in the roof right?
Is the cupola hatch and the opening in the turret roof always concentric? Is there another hatch to close off the cupola from the turret?

Yes, the seat is attached to the turret roof. The ring you see, right above the seat (really rusted), is the turret opening (no hatch there) and the cupola sits on top of that opening. The commander's hatch is on the top of the cupola. In the cupola itself, you can see the manual traverse handle and the cupola power box (IIRC, there is a power switch in the center and then under the red cover is the arming switch for the M-85 .50 cal MG). The cupola has power and manual traverse BUT only manual elevation with the .50 cal trigger on the elevation handle. The cupola can spin independently of the turret.
Was the cupola less heavily armored than the turret? I guess the penetration/spalling possibility coming into the turret through that opening if the cupola got hit was considered acceptable by the designers. As a gunner, loader or driver that would be on my mind.
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