ROUND #2 Match ups

ok, here is the update as to where everyone stands as to progress in Round 2

Two game now completed
then 71, 64, 58, 54, 49, 41, 39 and 33

With the end date of April 12th set.
I would say you should for sure be past the 1/2 way point now

SO game 33 is hurting a little

game 39, 41 are cutting it close

In General , you all are doing a good job and keeping turns flowing and those that are slower,
its generally been vacations and stuff, but you have been keeping people informed and that is good.

Round 3 will be a change in pace. Town fighting and huge amounts of ammo being burned. SMG's here we come.
Hi Sly Sniper,

I have been following all the comments and tournament results so far. Is the AAR restricted to only the players ? I would love the read the AARs and vicariously enjoy the battles.

Perhaps the AAR comments will be opened up to the general FGM audience in the future ?
I would have liked to join the tournaments but I cannot guarantee regular turns throughput due to work and family commitments.

Hi Sly Sniper,

I have been following all the comments and tournament results so far. Is the AAR restricted to only the players ? I would love the read the AARs and vicariously enjoy the battles.

Perhaps the AAR comments will be opened up to the general FGM audience in the future ?
I would have liked to join the tournaments but I cannot guarantee regular turns throughput due to work and family commitments.


Sure, I will invite you to the AAR's for round 1 & 2

No, I do not know of a way to tranfer a conversation thread to the open Forum. So that is the bad part of running the AAR's as I now do.
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