2-on-2 Team Game ... Any takers?

With the vanilla 75mm armed Shermans, you have virtually to drive up alongside the Panther and have your crew knock on the side of it and shout out "I say old man, would you mind awfully considering yourselves KO'd, and vacate your vehicle at your leisure ..." :D

That's a great one! Thanks for the laugh!
Just an FYI. My wife and I are going to Hawaii for a few days. We leave 12/28/14 and return 1/4/15. I will be able to get turns out through 12/27/14, and get turns out again starting on 1/4/15. However, while we are away, I will not be gaming. It is some "us time" together. I am sure you understand. And thanks for your patience.

OK, no problem ... thanks for the heads up. Have a great time.
Hmmm, dangerous beasties those Marders! Pity they don't have a fully traversable turret, which can mean that they have to take a possible hit before they get a shot off ... will this one hit?


And, that unprotected ammo storage isn't very crew friendly ...

This 2v 2 play looks like a lot of fun!

It is! I'm certainly enjoying it, and glad I responded to Nort & mTk's original invite to play ...

The wonders of CMH and dropbox certainly make the mechanics easy to do, and (at the risk of jinxing things ...) all the turns etc are going really smoothly.

It is very different having a chunk of your side's forces being led by someone else, and seeing how their part works out. Also enjoying knowing that the opposition forces are also split in some way too.

Downside? Having Nort post lots of pics of burning Shermans and Fireflys ... :D:D
I'm glad you continued posting beyond the original invite. Gave me a concept of the file logistics needed. I definitely want to try this one day, against opponents that are not overmatched. Good luck! :)
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