Can you explain the difference between "% of damage ignores armor" and "% effective against armor".

But all you really need to know to play the game is that higher is better, for both stats.
I have never been presented with an in game choice where I was compelled to "do the math" on which weapon is better.
"Destroyer of Heroes" VS the standard issue "Greataxe" has been my closest choice so far. Both are two handed axes:

So, the Greataxe is a fine weapon, and actually has the advantage in base damage, 80-100 VS the Destroyer of Heroes base damage of 75-90. They each are 150% effective against armor. The Destroyer of Heroes pulls ahead, however, as 61% of it's damage ignores armor, whereas only 40% of the Greataxe's damage ignores armor. That is the big difference, IMO. The DoH also has a better durability than the Greataxe (122 VS 80) though I have found that to be of minor importance unless a battle goes so long that your weapons start breaking in the middle of the battle, which has never happened to me, though I have had it happen to shields several times
The Greataxe does an impressive shield damage of 36, while the DoH does a massive shield damage of 54, which I think will probably destroy most shields in the game with one hit. Both weapons have the same fatigue factor.
The winner, IMO, between the two weapons, is clearly the Destroyer of Heroes.
The game developers make it simple by assigning a coin ("crowns") value to each weapon and piece of armor. Higher value = better 99% of the time. There may be special circumstances where this is not the case, but I'm not that concerned with min/maxing. ;-)
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