First blood for sspoom with a decapitation to set the tone! Three total with two decapitations! Must be a "Vorpal" axe![]()
I pay you to separate heads from shoulders. Well done!
First blood for sspoom with a decapitation to set the tone! Three total with two decapitations! Must be a "Vorpal" axe![]()
"Jabberwocky" by Lewis Carroll. Beware, my son . . . .It went "snicker-snack".
Bonus points to the first person to tell me where I got that from.
Pulled it out yo' butt?It went "snicker-snack".
Bonus points to the first person to tell me where I got that from.
"Jabberwocky" by Lewis Carroll. Beware, my son . . . .
Being reactive is proactive. Interesting....Haha, I place "initiative" at the bottom of my list of desired qualities in this game.
I'll expound a bit on this statement. Initiative just means going first in Battle Brothers. Those with higher initiative take their actions before those with lower initiative. The thing is, going first, IMO, is seldom advantageous in BB. As you may or may not have noticed from watching my videos, I often choose to delay the actions of my men during their turns, because it is often better to be reactive than proactive, at least with this build.
Being reactive is proactive. Interesting....
Pulled it out yo' butt?
The FGM Battle Brothers mercenary company has acquired their first legendary two handed melee weapon!
@Bulletpoint will be wielding it, as he is the flail expert.
Says one always flailing around . . .I flail without fail.