BF's announcement of 'Bulge' title, is it just me...



Some of you may have seen over on the BF forum that the release of a CM Battle of the Bulge title is imminent

If you scroll to pages 20, 21, and 22 of the thread (not all my posts I promise) I've been complainging about Bulge being sold as a new title. I whined because the content listed by ChrisND was pretty piss poor in my opinion for a title being sold as a new game rather than a mod. For example there will be no engine upgrade, and many of the units listed as 'highlights' are already in a Western theatre title (CMBN) and paid for by numerous mod upgrades. Not to mention that by breaking up a theatre into two titles BF have set a precedent and will no doubt break up the Eastern Front into numerous separate game titles where we'll end up paying for content twice over so to speak (as I believe will be the case in Bulge in relation to what we've already paid for in BN and its mods).

Am I being unreasonable, or do others feel Bulge will represent a drop in the standards of content we've come to expect of a new CM title (unless drastically more content is added than what ChrisND listed in his opening post in the link above)?

I hate to beat up on BF as I love CM, but at the same time I feel they're taking a backstep in Bulge.
Yeah it's nigh on impossible to be critical on the BF forum without getting eaten alive!
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It sucks that you can't bring up certain things over there. My views on the subject are pretty much in line with yours, Odin. It's why I only own CMBN and Bootie's old copy of CMSF.
From my personal perspective, I can understand the whole approach of Battlefront on this matter. Their a small company spending their resources to bring us these awesome games which keep getting bigger and better in a market already flooded with gaming companies which makes keeping the lights on very difficult and they have a very small fan base. Hence they need to make their capital somehow and this is still a much better approach than what some companies are doing on steam nowadays with their "Buy the game at full price, but wait, its incomplete, please proceed to buy the DLC's so we can milk you some more". I know it becomes pricy when you’re constantly buying games which could have been modules etc. but remember, your keeping the lights on with your purchases so from my side ill keep supporting them by buying their games and modules even if I do share Odin's view as well. I just don’t want this company to disappear and with it so many games that could have been made as these games are the best WW2 games there IS.
Great points about the DLC approach many companies are taking. It's easy to get jaded being a gamer with all that going on. It might not be the most fair system from a consumer's standpoint but at the end of the day it has to be this way. Like you said, they're a small company and they have to pay their bills. I love this game because it doesn't rely on traditional gamer skills, which I don't really possess. Once you understand how it all works it's simply an elaborate thought exercise. Your decisions matter more than your reflexes.

I left a post on the original Battlefront thread stating I felt like CM was more of a drug than a game, because once you're hooked the price doesn't matter a whole lot. It sucks - there's a lot of CM games, they all cost a lot, and you can pay more for additional content for nearly all of them. But the reality of the situation dictates the price, and I can't really knock the quality of the product.

There is one upside to the large price and small fan base. There's a strong core of mature players. Not a lot of kiddies are splitting their time between Call Of Duty and CM.
One thing that sets the CM series apart from all other games for me, is the re playability and the sheer number of hours, months, or YEARS of enjoyment I get from these games. I've been playing PC games for almost 25 years, and no other game has left me more satisfied on an enjoyment per dollar basis.

That doesn't mean I want to give BF all my money, but it helps.
Some of you may have seen over on the BF forum that the release of a CM Battle of the Bulge title is imminent

If you scroll to pages 20, 21, and 22 of the thread (not all my posts I promise) I've been complainging about Bulge being sold as a new title.

Nice. They even downvoted you. Considering almost everyone berating you were beta testers, that comes as no surprise. You broke commandment #1: Thou shall not question BFC's business model or pricing. The wrath of the sycophants will be upon you should you not heed that commandment. In answer to your question, no, you're not being unreasonable. I'm not impressed with what I've seen either. Hedgehog said it best, if you think BFC is shaking you down for money, don't buy what they're offering. There are plenty of other fun things to do with your free time. You do not owe BFC anything. It's up to BFC to produce products you feel are worthy of your hard earned cash, and you should not feel obligated to buy everything they offer "to keep them in business." I certainly haven't. The only way BFC will know if they're on the wrong track is if their cash flow is noticeably reduced. You can bet they'll try making changes if that happens. As the saying goes, vote with your wallet!
The only way BFC will know if they're on the wrong track is if their cash flow is noticeably reduced. You can bet they'll try making changes if that happens.

In March Grammot wrote, that Bulge was more or less done, because it was done parallel to BS.
Something must have happened, that changed the greedy's mind. :D
I guess the enthusiastic reactions on the rip-off alpha pictures somehow led to silently sack another brilliant marketing idea of Grammont and add some stuff that makes it less obviously. :D
If they stick to their original plans and release Bulge without engine improvements then I am confident, they are reaching the point, where the customer base becomes too small for a decent H2H player base and soon afterwards the cow will stop giving enough milk.
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