Firstly let's not jump up and down. Everything is still up in the air based on that one forum post. Agree with Rambler and I've personally been a fan of the upgrade system so will be bitterly disappointed if existing titles aren't kept upgraded to the most current version of the CMx2 engine. Imagine if they introduced terrain damage to the engine (such as creeping fire etc) and then said, "Yeah we don't think CMBN needs that." Recipe for outrage.
Now a couple of points..
- Perhaps what the BF forum post was stating was not all titles, ie not CMSF will be upgraded. If it's simply CMBN onwards that gets upgrades then I don't think anyone will complain. It's been no secret if CMSF is done again down the line it will be a rebuild from pretty much scratch given the leap forward CMx2 Engine took to get to CMBN.
- Perhaps they are thinking of ditching the separate upgrade system for titles they plan to have additional modules/packs for in the future. Perhaps their own sales numbers show those players who purchase the upgrades 95% of the time buy the next module anyway so have decided to combine the work?
- In the same vain, perhaps the upgrades will only exist for games like say CMBN which by the looks of it is probably done for now. CMRT, CMBS etc where there's modules coming down the pipeline they hold off until committing fully to the creation of a product for that family rather than jumping back and forth between titles. Remember small company, limited labour resources so need to manage their workload/productivity effectively.
You'll noticed there's lots of 'perhaps' like words in my post, let's wait and see until there's an official announcement of what's going on. Agreed though that given the type of investment and the level of fanaticism in this community, getting an official post somewhere to appease the masses outlining BF's roadmap for work and releases would be nice.