EMPIRE BUILDERS: Field of Glory 2 Medieval Campaign - COMPLETED!!

GREEN attacks SE GERMANY from LOMBARDY (@Mad Mike - we'll let you know asap if it'll be me or @Wellsonian defending there)

FOG Medieval Empires Round 4d.jpg

1. GREECE - White attack from Constantinople - @Wellsonian vs @Mad Mike (battle challenge details to be announced)

2. GASCONY - Blue attack from Francia - (players and battle details to be announced)

3. ENGLAND - Red attack from Scotland & Ireland - @Nathangun (Scots (Isles and Highlands)) vs @Rico (1050-1319 or English 1155 - 1271)

4. SOUTH-EAST GERMANY - Green attack from Lombardy - @Mad Mike (Italo-Normans 1050-1060) vs @Rico (German (Imperial) 1050-1154)
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