Okay, here was my initial thoughts and tactics..... As everyone else, I was blind- not knowing where and how many troops i was up against. The stream bed and wooded areas were obvious routes as a frontal assault seemed treacherous. So I initially placed my squads primarily kinda center, and probed with the recon section through the little woods on my left (stream bed) and moved my sniper team up on the left. i figured I could use them to pinpoint where the germans were then move my squads either left or right depending on what I found. I set my mortar immediately with a 5 minute delay, knowing that if I needed smoke later, it would take 9 minutes (leaving really only 1 minute so it was a mute point anyway). I made it a heavy barrage...I agree that it should have been more harassing in hindsight. Not sure it caused any damage. Anyway, the recon folks unbeknownst to me, were able to be spotted by the MG in the small wood patch, hence my recon leader got wounded. I moved the remaining recon up to the stream bed, where he was engaged by and returned fire on the sniper (had no idea how many Germans were actually there). My sniper team on the right, jumped the fence and slowly moved up to the woods. They were not fired at so initially I thought this may be a good avenue, until one of the snipers stepped on a mine. No go there....So that left the stream bed that had approaches where the sniper could not see them. So I shifted all my squads to the stream bed to get closer to the outpost. I was able to get fire on the sniper and take him out. In the meantime, the mortars came and went and I was forced to make the push. I was stressed about having to cross the fence under fire, so i broke up a squad to split fire base while I moved up 3rd squad. 3rd squad took some causalities, broke and ran back to the stream bed. I was able to spot germans in the trench and moved up Ivan's squad up to also get fire on the outpost. I eventually got 3rd squad back and moved them into position so that I could attack the outpost on at least two sides. My reamining sniper moved close to the outpost- distract the outpost (he was shot eventually) which allowed me to close in to grenade range. At that point I cleared the trenches. I took initial casualties from the mines, the sniper and an initial burst from the MG42. Other than that, I was able to suppress, and move in to clear. Touch one. Amazed that some of us had such low casualties compared to mine, but I should have been more patient and not expose to MG until or unless I could supress it more- or time the mortar strike a bit closer to my launch off assault point as there was too much time between the mortar strike and assault. Fun match- lots can go wrong