Members screenshots

Fooled me, I am a simple minded critter anyways, but the effect of the illusion is outstanding!!
QB v AI: A time to live, a time to Shermans close in for the kill-

Taken from a battle against Rico:His PzerGrenadiers are starting to break after a mortar barrage of more than 200 60 mm rounds .On the background on PZIV burning.
QB v AI: this Stug thought he could go up against a POS hunting stack single handed-

Dream on Charlie..
QB v AI: under the spreading chestnut tree, my Shers demonstrate how easy it is to kill Stugs and Jagdpanzers by overunning them to get into their sides..

Hiram Sedai's Panther v POS:
Don't you just hate it when you put two of your light baby tanks behind a house for safety then a Panther comes along and toasts them both?
Hiram Sedai's Marder catches a glimpse of my Sherman's turret poking up over an embankment and lets fly-

Scratch one flat top..

The Marder keeps firing, nearly taking the head off one of the bailing crew-
My Gers v AI:
What are you fausting through the bocage mein herr?

Ach sooo...

A miss! Oh well at least the squad showered that halftrack with potato mashers and trashed it-
Herroberst (US) v POS in Bootie's 'Boots in Normandy' scenario, no contact yet but my boys in St Mere Eglise are jumpy because they've heard rumours of paratroops dropping in the area..

Tourney Screenshots

First blood in the tourney to Hiram Sedai... his lurking Sher (green circle) trashes my ar car at point.
(PS- dunno why the comp started me miles from the obj area considering i'm sposed to be defender, it's done that to me in other games too, sniffle)

"The only effective recon, is a dead recon"
The armor car did it's job well.
Unless I'm in a rush, I normally prefer to scout ahead with infantry.

Togisan (Ger) v POS, QB

His Panther and a PzIV come through a gap and run head-on into my oncoming Shers/M10's. He loses both machines but I suffer just an immobd M10-

However on the other side of the map it's a different story as another of his Panthers calmly picks off 2 of my tanks at long range-

Ouch that hurt! My tanks fired back a couple of times but their shots bounced skyhigh off the Panths thick front-

EDIT- next turn all 4 US tanks were dead..
Love the violence, great pics of that tank fight. I am amazed by the new modeling of tank fights. In CMSF you really didn't have a chance to have tanks fighting at point blank range, in CMBN that is standard on an open map. In fact, my new tactic when engaged by German armor is to fast move my tanks in a way that the germans have to traverse their turrets or hulls to track me and I get closer to them and on their flanks. In the scenario "Bois de Baugin" (the one used for the Beta AAR with GeorgeMC vs. Erwin) I rushed the JagdPanzerIV's at the far end of the map with two 75mm Shermans. They rushed around the back of them before they could turn their hulls and brewed up BOTH of them in seconds with rear penetrating shots. Using Two M10s and a Sherman 76 in a QB I used the 76 as bait out front while the M10 flanked the Panther from the left side, getting in a rear shot and two flank penetrations to brew him up. Love these tank dogfights, love em, love em, love em!!! Once I get FRAPS up and running I will have some screens for ya'll.
As my two panzers writhe and retch in the blinding choking dust and smoke, Facmans Shermans close in for the kill-

Boff's HMC at top left blasts my 12th SS Hitlerjugend ATG.
(it's an SS uniform mod)

QB: Togisan (Ger) v POS

My two M10's attempt to break through into the German rear areas (white dotted line was their intended route), but they're ambushed by a Panther (circled) who shoots them both in the back stone dead, they never even knew he was there-

A Pz IV was also skulking nearby and a bailed M10 crewman whips out his pistol and tries to blow the head
clean off the pz commander. (he fired several times missed, but forced the cdr to button up)

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