Members screenshots

Here are some shots I took with FRAPS of the last few days gaming.


  • first faust kill.jpg
    first faust kill.jpg
    156.1 KB · Views: 27
  • Normandy14.jpg
    108.7 KB · Views: 23
  • pzfaust1.jpg
    126.6 KB · Views: 24
  • zook1.jpg
    190.2 KB · Views: 26
Narsus's Sherman waltzes up to these desperately-pivoting Stugs and quickly toasts them both, proving yet again the old adage of close-quarter knife-fighting- "No turret, no chance".

Stugs have been made for long/middle range support. Bringing them in close quarter fights, even with infantry, is just suicide !
MTK's prowling Sherman sees my PzIV between the farm buildings, and takes it out-

With a ravine at their backs my Panthers have nowhere to go as Eric4r's Americans batter them frontally, immobing one and forcing the other to pop smoke and retreat in craven fear-


Check six! Sakai shoots down my Panther.
"It's the one you don't see that gets you"- Fighter pilot saying
Hiram Sedai pours concentrated tank fire and a bombardment into my panzer 'rats nest' (circled) behind the farm-

The benefits of playing the "maneuver" game can be plentiful, but if you mess up, you are messing up big time. I have learned from all my CM time that dueling german tanks with allied ones is not the best course of action, so now I am trying out an entirely different strategy. You can try new stuff against the AI and do well but not know how effective you really are until you go against another person. This battle is pretty much a testing ground for some new ideas I have going. So far, better then expected, we shall see how things continue :wink:
Speaking of fearsome barrages, Narsus drops a rocket attack on this town-

POS was kind enough to turn off units in that pic, if he hadnt, you would see shermans wildly driving through the explosions wondering who was in charge.
I use since years a little tool called Grab Clip and Save... works for all my games.
Nort draws first blood by picking off one of POS' HTs.

He was there as a lookout but the enemy saw him before he saw them.
I'm going to see if its possible to make htrack crews park their vehs safely in cover then get out and go spotting on their own-


A fusillade of shots comes out of the trees from Lighthorse's tanks, killing my Panther commander and forcing the rattled crew to auto-pop smoke and slam into reverse (note the cdrs now-empty grey seat near the silhouette and the disappearance of the word 'commander' from the crew list)

He was there as a lookout but the enemy saw him before he saw them.
I'm going to see if its possible to make htrack crews park their vehs safely in cover then get out and go spotting on their own-

Yes mate. That can be done. I do it all the time.:RpS_thumbup:
MTK's Americans take the village by storm; the figures are not marathon runners but fleeing panzer crewmen..

The battle for this farm rages as Lighthorse's unspotted tanks pour a lethal fire into the boiling cauldron from somewhere; two dead Panthers are in this picture plus a knocked out American light tank-

Ramming speed! With smoke and dust everywhere my Panther cowers behind a wall for safety, so Lighthorse's M10 makes sure of getting LOS by ramming it and firing pointblank-

Bootie's Americans launch their Big Push, driving hard for the beckoning golden glow of the obj area, and the only resistance I can mount is a Panther and Stug in that gap ahead which begin fighting for their lives as concentrated American AP/HEAT shot pours into them-

The German view, my two machines sit like corks plugging the gap, rocking and reeling drunkenly on their springs as shots hammer into them under Bootie's relentless onslaught-

Earl of Grey's halftrack carrying a FO team and an HQ section (total about 9 men) attacks my 3-man FO team in this forward outpost.
(btw am trying a new tracer mod but don't like it, will bin it)



The Germans are quickly overwhelmed..


..and no Waffen-SS prisoners are taken, even the FO's radioman gets in on the act-

Some serious shite going down here..


And with smoke toggled off we can see it's Bootie's Sherman at work kicking seven kinds of krap out of my two Stugs-

Ericr4b's bazookaman hits my Panther, killing a crewman and forcing it to panic-reverse.
The US unit was a 3-man HQ (flag icon) but now that I know they might be packing a zook i'll stay well clear of them in future games..

Your posts are enlighting as well as entertaining and I look forward to them.

AAAAAND, I much rather watch you take it in the Yang then me:)
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