Members screenshots

Holy Cannonball Express Batman! As my US armour begins trundling across the rail lines into enemy territory they come under fire from down the track-


Ha ha it's coming from Nathangun's panzers under the bleddy bridge!-

I placed that Panther there at the start of the battle, but the one behind it moved out ok.
A victorious StuG:


This crew also claimed 2 M10s, defeating both of them in a frontal duel, their unlucky crews lying dead in front of the victor.
Schutzstaffel's Sherman pours it into the flank of my panzer column-

Oh, I got myself so beaten in that one because I misinterpreted the tactical map... :biggrin1: On the other hand my StuGs regularly defeat amost everything on the battlefield with only a few scratches and even my Shermans survive 88mm hits...
Latest news from our war correspondent - poor infantryman hit by fragment of Stug's AP1a.JPG1b.JPG
Here we have my boyz, Fritz and Mueller showing the youth how to take out and M5. Thanks to Daisy for the M5's Long Term Parking:RpS_ohmy: Note Mueller's timing with the potato masher toss... you gotta love this game...

Probably has to do with his frame capture rate or some such technical detail, that only the geeks (not pejorative) understand. I know I don't.
Being originally from New York I can appreciate a great parallel parker...

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