Members screenshots

I keep the trees turned on , I get a better feel of the battle field that way . I just move my view to over head for some movement planning I have no problems at all
My Panthers nahverteidigungswaffe (close defence weapon) beats off an attack by one of Sakai's squads.
It's a short range HE grenade discharger fired by a crewman through a hole in the roof.
The beleagured Panther popped half-a-dozen or so at a couple of second intervals
(Inset:-one being launched, the game does it automatically with no player input)
PS- I'm trying a new CM1-style data panel.
Lighthorse's loose tank crew draw their pistols for a shootout with an AT gun-


And the gunners defend themselves-

Lighthorse's loose tank crew draw their pistols for a shootout with an AT gun-


My armor cars refused to take on the At all I'm have left is some AFV crew with pistols.


And the gunners defend themselves-

Sakai's man throws a grenade to finish off my immobd Panther..


The crew bails and a gunfight erupts-

Nathangun's Sherman armada swings round my right flank and butchers my mixed bag of 4x Stugs/Marders to a man.
Same old story, no turret, no chance..

The Battle of Rhino Lane continues to rage in unabated fury as Nort's Rhino pours pointblank AP fire through the bocage into my Panther-

None but the brave...Ericr4b's bazookaman stands calmly in the middle of the road and fires at my Panther despite MG rounds from the German machine whipping perilously close-


The rocket falls just short-
Sakai's squad bursts into the upper floor and mercilessly shoots dead every manjack of my FO team..


Groan....two of Nathangun's HMC's sweep around the corner of the wood and catch my Stugs/Marders flatfooted, killing all 4 for the loss of one HMC. (the ar car was trashed by an artillery shell blast earlier, note the crater next to it)..

LoL, FO team vs. FO team!!! Bet they're glad they have those carbines now! I was just sweeping buildings at random. Figured, it's the tallest, might be an HQ or FO in there, and what would you know???
I wanted my jerry FO team to just quietly sit out the rest of the battle in occupation of the obj area to keep it neutral and stop the Americans getting 1000 pts for it, so I put them on 'Hide' and gave them a short arc, but that was their undoing because it meant they were half asleep and too slow to react when the yanks broke in..
Will even one man in the obj area neutralise it?

That's on my "Tests to be done" list, the nearest I've observed during actual games is when one of my beat-up jerry tank crews kept it neutral against Facman, here's the endgame pic from the POS CMBN Tourney 'Results and standings' thread-


Here's the result screen from the above game, it's all very mathy, complicated further by the fact there were two obj zones.
Ground- Facman scored 325 for being the sole occupier of the obj area on the right. I scored 0 because I wasn't sole occupier of any of the obj areas.
Targets- Facman scored 327 for killing most of my units. I scored 19 for killing one of his tanks and a few crewmen.

So Facmans total of 325 and 327 gave him a total score of 652, and I scored just 19.

Note- the word 'Failed' in some of the categories is just the computers way of saying that a player 'could have done better' even though he may have scored some points.
And a green tick is the comps way of saying 'you did good'.
Perhaps we get extra bonus points for green ticks, i don't know yet.

One of Ericr4b's bazookamen relentlessly hunts down my Panther and delivers an immobing blow. The crew then bailed and ran off, huh!
This is the second Panther to fall victim to the rampaging bazookas-


The fatal projectile about to strike home, it's a little low but must have wrecked the tracks/wheels-

From the screenshots it seems that bazooka's and M8's are more lethal in CMBN then they were in CMAK. The low muzzle velocity of the M8 didn't seem to b a problem in the game between POS and NathanGun, and I have seen several sreenshots in which a Panther is KO-ed by a bazooka. Often needed several hits in CMAK for a bazooka to KO a Panther.
Everything seems more lethal for the allies in CMBN. But on the other hand, accuracy seems higher as well for a well motivated crew/team/squad. For the axis though, things seem less lethal. I know it is more my imagination, and the individual circumstances of the moment, things like the panzershreck aren't as scary as they were in CMx1. I have suffered several hits to Shermans with them with nothing but suppression resulting from them. All in all, it feels right, but some of my assumptions made from CMx1 battles has been thrown right out the window from the time in CMBN.
Storm surge..... Nathangun's Shermans take the town by storm, systematically demolishing the buildings one by one to flush out any loose tank crews or FO teams that would prevent him gaining the objective zone occupation points.
Note the cowed German crews in standard green assault gun uniforms-

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