Members screenshots

...Everything seems more lethal for the allies in CMBN. But on the other hand, accuracy seems higher as well for a well motivated crew/team/squad...

Yes tanks (of both sides) in Cmbn don't miss as often as they do in Cm1, and the advantage of that is they can happily fire on the move without too much loss of accuracy, unlike Cm1 where they usually have to stop to fire.
So Cmbn is much faster moving and dramatic because drive-by shooting on the move is the norm..:)
Yes tanks (of both sides) in Cmbn don't miss as often as they do in Cm1, and the advantage of that is they can happily fire on the move without too much loss of accuracy, unlike Cm1 where they usually have to stop to fire.
So Cmbn is much faster moving and dramatic because drive-by shooting on the move is the norm..:)

This topic is being discussed quite a bit at BF forums; not that it appears to be on a "must fix" list for the moment, but you never know. Love those drive byes. Keep up the good screenies Spike (especially my brave warriors hunting your mighty tanks with nothing but a blowpipe).
My 3-man German FO team is Hiding and discreetly keeping an eye on the road to their front thinking "what can possibly go wrong?", when suddenly 2 of Nathangun's house-clearing troops burst in-


..and wipes them out before they can react. The SS man on the rights last reported words before getting a Tommy gun magazine emptied into his back were "Either that bloody wallpaper goes or I go!"

My Hitlerjugend AT crew have spent most of the game waiting to get a dream shot, but when Bidermann's Sherman comes from behind the wood they're too slow on the draw and it blows them away (inset) before they can fire..
(They were out of command, Regular and 'Nervous' which could explain their poor showing)


EDIT: there's talk around the Cmbn community about the reluctance of ATG's to fire, so maybe this is another example of a possible bug, maybe the wooden fence to its front somehow confused it.
QB: Johnsy's PzIV squeezes one off between the houses and clobbers my M10-


Payback! Later the same turn the M10's return the favour when they spot this PzIV (possibly the same one) taking up a firing position-

My Marder is hung, drawn and quartered by Bidermann.

Hung- it's flushed out of the village by the ground-shaking bombardment and is drilled clean through by this shot from an unseen assailant flying out of the wood edge-

Drawn- seconds later an adjacent large calibre shellburst rocks it on its haunches-

Quartered- and a split second later it's finished off by this second shot from its unseen tormentor in the woods-
I like the screen shots, my 105 Art mixed with AP rounds rain down on your tanks and the village
I like the screen shots, my 105 Art mixed with AP rounds rain down on your tanks and the village

yeh, my own arty fell miles away from your tanks and was a complete waste. That's the prob with trying to dump arty on moving targets, they might not be there when the arty arrives.
A village on the other hand never moves and is a sitting duck, ha ha..:)
My two panzers were distracted by enemy movement in the house across the street and this one elevates its gun to fire through the windows. but Cargol's Sherman down the road catches them both napping and lets them have it-

I reverse my armour to escape the boiling cauldron of artillery fire in the village but Earl of Greys Sherman picks off two-

With not much infantry to spot the enemy in these armour-only games, our tanks have to spot for themselves, not always easy if your tank is buttoned like my Tiger here as a shot from one of Ericr4b's invisible tanks surgically takes it out-

WOW! Haven't even played the AI yet in a City QB, looks to be rough for tanks and a nightmare for SPG's. Must make for some interesting tactical situations, cause it sure makes for some epic screen shots.
Yup, Johnsy's panzers catch my M10's going downtown and a streetfight erupts-

Interesting fact: That Tiger actually hit one of my Shermans, but caused only moderate damage while said Sherman took the Tiger's gun out of action. Wouldn't have expected that, especially not at just a few hundred meters...
Ericr4b's US troops make a surprise house call with armored support to clear out my 3-man FO team-


But my schmeisser guy opens up through the window because he thinks they're jehovah's witnesses..

And my rifleman at the middle window plugs one of them at the front door..
..a closeup of him in action..

Meanwhile the officer is introducing the HMC crew to 'Mr. Luger'..

But forgets to watch his back..

Then a HT pulls up round the back and the passengers whip out their pistols to mop up..

The 50-cal gunner joins in and yells "yee-haw! shucks ain't this just as much fun as a turtle-poppin party in a weezyanna bayou!"
Earl of Grey's US tanks close in for a feeding frenzy against my green Tiger, hitting it from all sides with a potent mixture of 75mm AP/ 75mm HEAT and 37mm AP shots-

I thought this one was funny as the TC got run over by his own tank


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