Progress screenshots: FGM/ Matrix Competition "WW2" (Finished) 2010

In fact looking at the box pic there's no green camo on the gun, just brown (mud?) streaks, so I'm going to re-do the whole gun in a base dark yellow with just a few brown streaks on it.
Luckily it'll only take a day or two, it's the bleddy crew that take most time to do..:)
Yeah, that's what I wanted to ask, too... Stuff's looking good, people! Carry on!
Alrighty then..finally got to start this..a Stug IV(Late)....hopefully I will finish in time:

Pak40 and crew

I'm about two-thirds finished, the gun is coming out a nice dusty war-weary worn look and I'll weather the crews uniforms later-

Pak 40 and crew

I'm about 80% finished. They're standing on an old thin black mouse mat which is glued to hardboard, I'm going to cut holes in the mat so their rectangular bases sink into it, then add earthen grains over the mat and their bases.
And i'll definitely have to dull down the polka-dot effect on their camo jackets.
(closeup photography like this shows up every little blemish that are hardly noticeable to the naked eye grrr)


Pak 40 and crew

Holy gunk Batman! My mouse mat idea went pear-shaped and I've had to rip it off the hardback book cover base and dump it! (below)
I began sloshing brown paint (earth) onto the mat but it just soaked it up like a bleddy sponge making it look like a soggy swamp, so before it could soak through into the hardback and warp it, I decided to rip it off.
I'll nip down the model shop later and get what I should have got in the first place-- a nice pre-dyed grassy green pad and stick that on instead..

At least my guys camo outfits are looking reasonably realistic (below) but some of their mugs look like pasty-faced crackheads especially the tall dood, i'll have to try making them look more human..
My photography's improving too, flash is very harsh and kills shadows so I'm experimenting with just normal room lighting, wide aperture and slow shutter like in this pic, but I still need to work on figgering out depth of focus and zoom optimums.
PS: some of the guys have got scarves wrapped round their heads to keep their ears warm-

Looking Good POS...trial and error...the best method of sucess!
Pak 40 and crew

I'm back in business (below) after the recent mouse mat debacle.
I got a grassy pad from the shop, glued it to the hardback base, then glued my men on top of it.
Their rectangular bases are a pain, I tried cutting them off with heavy-duty scissors but they were too tough, so I've left 'em on and will try to disguise them with grassy tufts and stuff.
My photography is still not good, these pics have a mellow effect to them like a bleddy vicars tea party instead of a dramatic stark cold grey like the Russian Front..


Model assembled, apart from the tracks. Time to get some painting started....

Pak 40 and crew

My creation's about 90 percent complete (below) but still needs a few tweaks before the Oct 14th competition finish date.
I'll nip down the model shop again to see if they've got any finer grass, the stuff in the pic is too coarse and makes my entry look like a plate of bleddy broccoli-


Wow at last I seem to be getting the hang of getting a decent depth of focus (below) I tweaked one of the pre-set camera options-

Thanks mate, here's the original pic and caption which I found in the FGM photo Section, so I simply printed it out, chopped it a bit and glued it to some card.
(Incidentally Italeri also used the pic for the Pak 40 kit box art)

SS 'Nordland' in action at the Battle of Narva.
(This Pak is sited in the northern part of Narva town facing east. The Ivangorod fortress can be seen in the left background, and Narva Castle on the right)

And I think I might keep the 'broccoli' for maximum dramatic effect, it can be regarded as debris from the hedge in front which has been shredded by MG's and blasted by shellfire..:)
Nice dio Mick....specially like the uniform camou. I reckon the brocolli looks quite good on the ground...if there is any criticism to offer, perhaps its the hedge I think it looks a little out of scale for.
the hedge I think it looks a little out of scale

Yes mate when I'm down the model shop again i'm going to to see if they've got any better type of foliage i can use.
I'm also toying with the idea of somehow doing a CM-style orangey-yellow muzzle blast for the Pak.
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