Progress screenshots: FGM/ Matrix Competition "WW2" (Finished) 2010

Eat this Charlie!
My first experiment with a muzzle blast-


The blast is a standard CM blast printed and cut out then propped up on top of the hedge, and the backdrop is stuck on an L-shaped piece of card which slides in and out under the base.
The crew and gun are permanently stuck down-
"Reality is an illusion, albeit a very persistent one"- Albert Einstein
"Strawberry Fields, nothing is real"- Beatles

Good stuff POS, enjoying watching your creation come together.
Waffen-SS "Nordland" Pak 40 at Battle of Narva, 1944

Okay I can't go on tweaking it forever so I've decided to draw the line now..:)
Here's an assortment of pics under different lighting conditions (daylight/ flash/bedside lamp) with and without the muzzle blast (think 'reloading', ha ha)


The base is two hardback book covers stuck together with a grassy mat from the model shop stuck on them, then the gun and crew are stuck on the mat.
The hedge is standard material from the shop, and the small bits of it scattered around represent shredded debris caused by incoming MG fire and HE blasts.
The Narva town backdrop is a pic off the net which I printed out and stuck to an L-shaped card which slides under the base.
The muzzle blast is a screenshot of a Combat Mission blast printed out and stuck on card.
The crew are wearing 2 overcoats, 3 W-SS reversible hooded parkas, and 1 W-SS camo smock, and most of them have wrapped scarves round their heads to keep their ears warm.






Here's work in progress....base colour and dark green line camou, also a bit of base colour for the seats. Photo was taken at night, so the flash has badly overexposed things and made it a bit worries, it's just to show how I''m getting on.

Dio has had some undercoat....which exposed areas that needed puttying.

My entry is Completed...the Dragon 1/35 StuG IV (Late).....




Looking very good, could be a hard one to beat. Love the detailing! What are those dragon teeth appendments on the sides?
That is where the schuzen armor plates would be attached. The plates have brackets that slip over the teeth, very simple and typically German effecient!
Yeah, the 3-color camo is perfection..:)
The Germans certainly loved their Stugs, first they used the old Pz III chassis for them, then later they even used the valuable Pz IV chassis like in Bob's job
Shows how much moulding technology has come on, too....exquisite detailing by Dragon. Check out the weld beads in between the plates.

Nice job AB....and I really like the stores you've added to the back...were those with the kit?

I'm afraid my 1/76 braille scale stuff is going to look rather clunky by comparison. I will have pics up before close-off, albeit slightly unfinished ones in terms of weathering and washes for the vehicles and dio building...
Those soldier goodies were extras from my parts bin....thanks for the kind words .....:whistle::smokin:
19th Panzer Division Sdkfz 11, Pak 40 & BMW sidecar - August 1941

Righto, here we are :) My somewhat unfinished entry....still missing the highlighting work on faces, building and machines, more track weathering and a matt coat...but not too bad. I can't get that stuff finished tonight because the oil washes will take at least a day to dry, so it is what it is.

Readers should be aware that these models are 1/76th scale....which in three dimensions makes them a mere 1/8th the size of Poor Old Spike and Airborne Bob's 1/35 pieces.



Niiiiiiiice snow there Bootie. How did you make that? Very realistic!
Well I finished the model and then poured some matt varnish into a spray nozzle and squirted the whole diorama. Then I got snow particles (Warhammer) its basically white powder and put it through a sieve and let it drop onto the diorama from about 12 inches. It stuck to the matt varnish giving a good coating.... just like they're in a snow storm.
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