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Played the first mission - Italian vs US foot patrols : Beyond the Belice


Loading time was fairly quick, but it was a small scenario.

My Italians look OK, blandish imo.

Terrain and buildings very nice - overall a very good looking small map.

Italian Bersaglieri units lack firepower - the 45mm mortar carries 48 rounds so that's a plus.

I was able to move waypoints - sweet !

The scenario had a very WW1 feel to it, very enjoyable.

An extremely positive first outing into CMFI.
Pz III's are really sexy beasts !

And that US halftrack with the 75mm gun, great versatile unit.
Just saw CM Fortress Italy is out with the 2.0 game engine. This sounds to me much more interesting than Normandy battles, and although I will have skipped that experience time I will probably jump in soon ! (Although I still have a lot of gaming time eaten by Rise of Flight, Condor soaring and my beloved Total War series - I am playing at the moment Rome TW with Roma Surrectum 2.5 which I warmly recommend to all interested by this time in history ... ) I take the opportunity to say hello to everyone !
Ok done, installed first on my XP playing PC, but same as CMBN doesn't work. (Think this has to do with older graphic card drivers I still use, but if I update I will have older stuff not working)
So installed on my Windows 7 laptop which has enough power to run it, this way I can use the HDMI to either plug in my 27" desktop when the lady uses the TV, or plug in my TV when it's free and play comfortably in my favourite armchair...:)
Since I skipped CMBN except for the demo, I guess I will have to make a few solo games to figure it out before I slug it out with you guys.
It sounds like CMFI is a great game but I spend a bit to much money in DisneyLand Paris so I will not buy it soon. I'm looking forward to the Market Garden update.
Starting the advanced training campaign, will post report later about how I feel with the 2.0 game engine...
Fiinished the first Advanced training battle at veteran level. Not too difficult, at 17 mins left all italians were dead or surrendered. As it was my first battle since CMBN demo, I played it following the manual. Only lost my MG jeep (was a bit over optimistic on the protection given by a small wall against AT fire, and the guys themselves didn't reverse when the first shell nearly missed them) and 1 infantry plt from the overwatch who panicked after taking losses from AT gun, plus a few guys here and there ( 21 losses overall ). I played rather aggressive (following the manual) would have to replay it my way which is probably a bit more cautious...
I find the vanilla graphics nice looking and fluid (played at "better" graphics with 4 AA and 8 AF set on my graphic card as I play on my laptop with a 1920 x 1080 output on 27" monitor)
- Question to you veterans : is it better to use ingame AA/AF or to set it up in the Catalyst settings - I run ATI ?
No doubts it will look a lot better when the mods start pouring in.
Of course I played it WEGO and had no trouble finding in the order menus the same type as the CMx1 stuff. (specially now they added the armor target arc) Just missed my old "Shoot and scoot" and the "Hunt" command for infantry seems the same as the old "move to contact" as the guys freeze as soon as some shooting starts ! I like as well the new "Target briefly" which avoids wasting too much ammo and also the cannister shooting - dunno if effective, but sure good looking, was surprised on the first shot !
Only problem I had is I placed a mortar behind a house, the HQ was at level 2 in the house for spotting, and everytime I tried to call an arty mission with the HQ, the mortar appeared with "Denied" in red on it, although I'm sure it was deployed... will have to investigate further ! Of course love the arty mission requests.
Main difference for me (and makes things interesting) is the relative spotting feature which makes you think and do things differently !
Of course as I'm new to the stuff I spent a lot of time reviewing replays of individual units at ground level after watching the general action at 4 level. (Will make some screenies for the next report when I start "real fighting".

Eagerly awaiting the Eastern Front release now !
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