Release Date?

I find the vanilla graphics nice looking and fluid (played at "better" graphics with 4 AA and 8 AF set on my graphic card as I play on my laptop with a 1920 x 1080 output on 27" monitor)
- Question to you veterans : is it better to use ingame AA/AF or to set it up in the Catalyst settings - I run ATI ?
Its well know that the CM2x engine is a graphic beast, so I updated to 550 TI Nvidia card, w/2GB. In my way of thinking, anything thats increase your graphics could be for the better with CM2x engine.
Hope thats helps
Damn, ya'll are making me want to spend more money on GAMES ehhhh!!
I've noticed during play testing that sometimes some of my units would loose their target arc between turns and I have to re-issue them. Is that something that happened with CMBN already ?
I replayed the first mission of the advanced training campaign my own way and using all the stuff (mainly splitting up teams in various ways and re-assembling some of them) It came out that italians surrendered one turn earlier (18 mns left out of 45) and this time I didn't loose any vehicle and only 19 casualties instead of 21 - so overall not a big difference ! When all the teams were on the map I was struggling with this concept of "action squares" though, so used I was to make accurate waypoints in CMx1 to use terrain features.
I also noticed towards the end that squads I had placed behind a stone wall for cover started to move forward on their own judgment, jumping over the wall in the open !! Luckily there was almost no opposition left at this time ( which may be explains what they did ?)
Another thing : one of my Stuarts was hit with almost no damage or anyone hurt and they backep up 150 m or so out of battle (had to bring them back later) when 20 m would have been enough to shelter from any incoming fire. Is this a normal behaviour in the CMx2 environment ?
one of my Stuarts was hit with almost no damage or anyone hurt and they backep up 150 m or so out of battle

In my experience, some troops seem to be more susceptible to going out of their way to find safety. I had a German Stummel crew bail and run away after losing a crew member, but without suffering any dmg to the track itself. It took awhile to gather them up and get them back in their track.
Only lost my MG jeep (was a bit over optimistic on the protection given by a small wall against AT fire, and the guys themselves didn't reverse when the first shell nearly missed them) and 1 infantry plt from the overwatch who panicked after taking losses from AT gun, plus a few guys here and there ( 21 losses overall ).

What'd you do wrong, man!?! So many losses...just kidding. Actually, I followed the manual and my guys in the overwatch area got slaughtered. I eventually pulled back and the reinforcements moved up the main road and took care of business.

Only problem I had is I placed a mortar behind a house, the HQ was at level 2 in the house for spotting, and everytime I tried to call an arty mission with the HQ, the mortar appeared with "Denied" in red on it, although I'm sure it was deployed... will have to investigate further ! Of course love the arty mission requests.

If you put the mortar right next to the house, the mortar doesn't have enough room to fire at most targets. Back them off 16-32 meters (2 - 4 action spots) away from the house. I found 2 actions spots gives you LOS to the MG team, ammo team and HQ at the T in the road. This is great for direct fire but puts your mortar at risk. I preferred 3-4 action spots away put my mortar in a little depression, out of LOS from the enemy but within command range from the HQ unit.
In my experience, some troops seem to be more susceptible to going out of their way to find safety. I had a German Stummel crew bail and run away after losing a crew member, but without suffering any dmg to the track itself. It took awhile to gather them up and get them back in their track.

Level of experience, morale, etc. seem to have an impact on how units respond to fire. For example, in that first scenario, two of my squads in the platoon that was to take overwatch were normal while one was green. The green platoon bolted for the rear after coming under light fire while the normal squads took a few casualties before dropping and cowering. Regardless, they didn't bolt like the green troops did.

What'd you do wrong, man!?! So many losses...just kidding. Actually, I followed the manual and my guys in the overwatch area got slaughtered. I eventually pulled back and the reinforcements moved up the main road and took care of business.
If you put the mortar right next to the house, the mortar doesn't have enough room to fire at most targets. Back them off 16-32 meters (2 - 4 action spots) away from the house. I found 2 actions spots gives you LOS to the MG team, ammo team and HQ at the T in the road. This is great for direct fire but puts your mortar at risk. I preferred 3-4 action spots away put my mortar in a little depression, out of LOS from the enemy but within command range from the HQ unit.

On my second attempt without the manual, I split my teams and left them under the trees until the last turns when I pushed them to the wall. I took less casualties (no fire from the right AT gun) and nobody panicked.
Thks for the mortar tip, I had found it by myself on my second attempt (old habits from CMx1 of sticking mortars behind houses !) Problem with direct fire is that they tend to empty their ammo full speed not necessarily on the most valuable targets. Solved this by giving them a short firing arc and waited until my HQ could spot the left AT gun to call for a medium fire mission which got rid of the bad guys.
My lesson learned in CMBN has been morale matter more than in CM1x. I was able to get by with green and regular morale in CM1x, not so in CM2x....
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