I enjoyed it! There were some wierd issues with LOS on this map, but otherwise it was great. I would definitely like to play more, but ideally as the Syrians, em, I mean, Dahranians.
For my selection of add-ons, I took two groups of fanatical combatants (tracksuit boys), two extra small fighter groups and some foxholes and wire obstacles. I was mostly hoping to get more rpgs with those and obviously more bodies to speedbump Aurelius with. In hindsight, it wasn't that great of a choice. They didn't come with any extra rpgs unfortunately, but mainly, the combatant groups were terrible experience-wise, all the other fighters were also fanatical and the popuation density was low, so there was no benefit to picking them, which is my bad.
So if I knew that, I would've taken the pair of T-55s and three BMPs. I originally didn't take them because I fully expected Aurelius to bring extra artillery and hinds for some reason. The extra heaavy firepower wouldve definitely helped.
I think the map size and objective density was ok. If only Aurelius knew how dire my AT situation was the entire time, he probably could've overrun me pretty easily.
I didn't like the final scoring (unless that was just completely ommited for this testing) were only the attacker scores for occupied objectives and the defender get's nothing, because then I can't even draw unless I still occupy/contest all the objectives, which I think is pretty much impossible.