Restoring Honor Rally, Washington D.C. 8-28-2010

The crowd is estimated to be around 500,000 people. The crowd stretched from the Lincoln Memorial to the Washington Monument.

Lets just throw a little balance in here

" he desecrates the memory of Martin Luther King." Really? Hmm, I didn't catch that.

Well, by basically disguising his book launch as a charity event, and ensuring that all his costs are repayed before the charity sees a single penny, pretty desecrating to me
Hey John Boy, maybe you should watch the whole event before you jump to any conclusions. Your post is offensive as you offered no legitimate remarks.
Jonny, Why don’t you just remove your lefty post before you embarrass yourself.
As a firm believer in free speech, I think Johnny is fully entitled to air his opinions here like anyone else -- let's not have only strong opinions from the right spectrum hold sway here at FGM.
I only ask for a legitimate argument. I see none!
Throughout history America has seen many great leaders and noteworthy citizens change her course. It is through their personal virtues and by their example that we are able to live as a free people. On August 28, come celebrate America by honoring our heroes, our heritage and our future.

Join the Special Operations Warrior Foundation, Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin (she spoke as a mother of a soldier) and many more for this non-political event that pays tribute to America’s service personnel and other upstanding citizens who embody our nation’s founding principles of integrity, truth and honor.

Our freedom is possible only if we remain virtuous. Help us restore the values that founded this great nation. On August, 28th, come join us in our pledge to restore honor at the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington DC.
It was also a fund raiser for: Special Operations Warrior Foundation

More than 5 million dollars were raised.

Special Operations Warrior Foundation

Mission: For 30 years, the Special Operations Warrior Foundation, a nonprofit
501 (c) (3) organization, has provided college educations to the
surviving children of Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine Corps special
operations personnel killed in combat or training. Additionally, the Warrior
Foundation provides immediate financial assistance to special operations
personnel severely wounded so their loved ones can be bedside during their

Programs: The Special Operations Warrior Foundation provides college
scholarship grants, not loans, to surviving children of special operations
personnel killed in combat or training missions.

Scholarships (tuition, books, fees, supplies, expenses, room and
board, plus computer and printer) cover the full cost of a college
education at post-secondary institutes across the nation, including
state and community colleges, vocational-technical training and
career institutes.

Family Service: From the initial contact with the family through
college education, children of fallen special operations warriors and/or
their guardians receive assistance and support from the Foundation’s
family advisor.

Wounded Special Operations Forces Support: The Warrior
Foundation provides $2,000 to cover immediate financial needs for
Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine Corps special operations personnel
severely wounded in operations.

Overhead: The Special Operations Warrior Foundation is proud of its low
overhead. In 2009, the administrative overhead was 7.7 percent.

Awards: The SOWF was awarded its fourth consecutive 4-star rating for its
financial efficiency by a charity watchdog group, Charity Navigator. Less
than 7 percent of the 5,300 charities rated by Charity Navigator receive this
exceptional rating.
The SOWF is the proud recipient of the Best in America seal of excellence
awarded by the Independent Charities of America as well as the Better
Business Bureau Accredited Charity Seal for meeting all of their stringent
Page 2 4/13/2010

The Special Operations Warrior Foundation currently has 133
students enrolled in colleges and universities across the country.
Last year, the Foundation provided $2.7 million in scholarship
grants, academic, financial aid, and family support to our families.
In 2009, the Foundation provided $311,000 in financial assistance
to severely wounded (hospitalized) special operations
personnel so their families could be bedside. To date, we have
provided over One Million Dollars to wounded Special
Operations warriors.

Total number of Special Operations Forces (SOF) casualties since
1980: 721

Total number of children in our program since 1980: 836

Total number of SOF casualties since 9/11/2001: 388

Total number of children left behind from SOF casualties
since 9/11: 441

Total number of SOWF college graduates: 158

Last year, America lost 46 Special Operations personnel… compared
to an average of 15 SOF casualties prior to Sept. 2001.
I wouldn't waste your time trying to convince Johnny. He is a firm believer that government is the answer to all problems. I think it is great that you have the time and means to attend these events.
Lord Bane
This is how he announced it

“On August 28, 2010, I ask you, your family and neighbors to join me at the feet of Abraham Lincoln on the National Mall for the unveiling of The Plan and the birthday of a new national movement to restore our great country.”

The Plan referring to Glen Beck's book.

From His Own Website:

“All contributions made to the Special Operations Warrior Foundation (SOWF) will first be applied to the costs of the Restoring Honor Rally taking place on August 28, 2010.”

Now that is that dealt with.

CS, I must say that the tone of your posts was out of line. If I did cause offence then there are more mature ways of dealing with things than going in with what are basically childish insults, I feel perhaps it is you who is embarrassing one's self. And the fact that you jump to such measures at the slightest little criticism gives the impression that you are either insecure in your beliefs that you have to overcompensate in your reaction or that you are so blindly narrow minded that you cannot even comprehend for a single second someone elses view on the world.

And Lord Bane, believing that everyone has an equal right to education and healthcare does not mean that I believe the government is the answer to everything, far from it.
The Restoring Honor event sounds alright, but I wish they'd called it by another name.
I mean, the word "Restore" is a tad defeatist because it implies that America has lost her honor and it needs to be put back.
The fact is she has NEVER lost her honor from 1776 til now unless she's abandoned the Declaration of Independence and become just another degenerate tinpot dictatorship like so many others around the world..;)

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

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