Restoring Honor Rally, Washington D.C. 8-28-2010

I haven't watched the entire rally, nor will I as I believe it is several hours long and that is far more time than I have to dedicate to some right wing nut, I will however endeavour to find some of the rally to view.

Thank you, I especially enjoyed the speechs by Native American Negiel Bigpond, Alveda Celeste King (Niece of Martin Luther King Jr.), Deb Argel-Bastian (Mother of a deceased Special Ops Soldier) many more.
People, we are really wasting our time trying to convince a leftist liberal who has been brainwashed into thinking that Glenn Beck and others will do something for the good of the nation and not just for recognition, money or fame. I'm so happy that our elections in November are just a short 60 days away when reason will prevail and we will get our country back. God Bless America.
Hey Jonny mate, your sig line is an anti-christian quote by Penn Jillette (the big guy in the Penn and Teller act), him and Teller are both anti-government atheists who burn the American flag in their stage act. They're not very good role models for you or anybody else ..;)

POS, did you even watch the entire clip? If you had you'd have seen that they in fact didn't even burn the flag.

And my sig line isn't anti-christian, it's anti people who try to use science and history to prove the bible, which you can't do seeing as it's just a bunch of made up stories's anti people who try to use science and history to prove the bible, which you can't do seeing as it's just a bunch of made up stories
I feel sorry for you jonny. Hopefully when you grow up a bit you will be more open to things that you can't touch or see with your own eyes.
As a kid, some of my role models were-
Rama of the Jungle; he once dived on a ghost that had been terrorising the natives and brought it crashing to the ground, bravest thing I ever saw..

Tonto; he was trapped in quicksand and slowly sinking but he stood there for half an hour without panicking, calmly waiting for the Lone Ranger to rescue him..

Davy Crockett; Not only did he kill a bear when he was only three, but he refused to retreat at the Alamo and took on the entire Mexican army..
I feel sorry for you jonny. Hopefully when you grow up a bit you will be more open to things that you can't touch or see with your own eyes.

Oh, I'm more than open to things that I can't touch or see, just with a bit of evidence to back it up.
Disprove it [the bible] then

Bootie's slapped a blanket ban on religious discussion mate, so I'm afraid you'll have ter get yerself another boy to save your soul..;)
But returning to topic, is it just Glenn Beck you don't like, or don't you like the whole Restoration Rally?
It's pretty much just Mr Beck

But having said that, he has tarred any good which may have come out of the rally by associating himself with it.
Bootie's slapped a blanket ban on religious discussion mate, so I'm afraid you'll have ter get yerself another boy to save your soul..;)

That's rather convenient as you were the one that brought religion into the argument
I think that there needs to be a new slate for everything.

Old family money has made its way into every facet of banking and politics.

"Give me control of a nations money supply, and I care not who makes it’s laws"
-Amschel Rothchild

Our founding fathers created a free country with blood, sweat, honor and intelligence. They set an example for a great nation, but they could only live so long.
One of the greatest things they did was to in-bed the constitution in the very soul of America. Only this 200yr old idea is what keeps the country from being completely swallowed up by usurpers, but with every year the constitution loses more of its voice and little by little the very fabric it is written on get chewed away.

Until civilization collapses once more like in the time of Egypt, the Romans, Byzantium, etc. we will watch it all eat itself from within.

Well said, my good man.
From Wikipedia:The Young Turks is a liberal talk radio and Internet talk show airing on Sirius Satellite Radio.
And from Young Turks Channel signed by Cenk Uygur:The logic, if there is any, of the conservative critics of the Park51 Project is that a mosque anywhere near Ground Zero would be terribly offensive to the 9/11 victims' families. Well, you know who is a lot more offensive to the families of 9/11 victims -- Glenn Beck.
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