Restoring Honor Rally, Washington D.C. 8-28-2010

Wow.........Jonny, you are so easily duped. He was obviously being sarcastic. The fact that you fell for that is revealing.
Lord Bane

Just so people know who we're dealing with here

My dear, dear Jonny,

Is a 12 second video clip (edited by NewsCorpe…*snickers trying to keep from LOL*) out of a 1 hour program the best that you can come up with.

Anyone who watches Mr. Beck for more than 12 seconds would surely know that he makes facetious statements almost as much as he makes serious comments. You are going to have to do better than that.

What I found very interesting is the comments attached to this little clip on youtube. See them here:
I think USA + UK lost some honor when we went to war in Iraq + Afganistan .
Rico has it spot on, free speech is the one principal that we can all agree on, and discussions should be carried out in a mature way by adults. I have no idea what the rally was about apart from what CS has posted, but like all events there are bound to be various people who attend for various reasons, some of them for very noble reasons, and others for perhaps less noble reasons. The fund-raising aspect of the rally indeed seems to be a very noble cause, but I think Jonny's point was that perhaps certain elements have hijacked the rally for other less noble reasons.

As for the left/right-wing debate, it tends to quickly polarise people's views. I am proud to call myself a socialist in the wider meaning of the word, and I am proud to judge myself to sit on the left of politics. That is not to say that I do not see some merit in some so-called right-wing policies, and some problems with certain so-called left-wing policies. What I do see as a problem is when people start to tar others with a very broad brush. To promote the rights of the individual can lead to the removal/suppression of the rights of a great many individuals, and of course the collective mentality can do exaxctly the same. The big prize every government should look for is balance.

America's constitution from what I can see enshrines the liberties and freedoms of the individual, but of course it needs a strong government to ensure that each individual's rights are protected, and that each individual has a chance to succeed. What could be argued is that if you start from the bottom of the pile with very little chance of a decent education and proper healthcare and so on, then you are not being given the same chance as someone from a family with more money and means. This situation holds true in many countries. What I believe in is that everyone should be given a fair chance. That is what the said foundation is doing, and they should be praised for their efforts, it is only a shame what service men and women's families are not properly supported by the government and country they fight for in the first place. That would be an example of the government helping the family of the individual who has made the ultimate sacrifice for their country.
Socialism exist only in theory, take a look at former or current socialist/people's republic states.
U ll see socialists being driven by limos, going to exotic places for vacations and having a luxury life(with their familes) while the majority of
their people living conditions are much below the average.I find this unacceptable.
On the other hand i dont see why a guy that worked and made up the money (with a little luck on his side)why not to have fancy cars big houses or even better healthcare
as nowadays even healthcare is a a product that is being sold.
Also i dont see why a citizen that worked all of his life and has sacrificed many things(free time,family etc) has to contribute in order to provide free healthcare or housing to another citizen that had all his life spent in vices or partying or rejecting the political system and morals of his society.
For me things are simple if i dont like capitalism and i want a 100 % socialist state i should go to Cuba.
I don't mean communism, but social democracy, in otherwords socialism with a small 's'. I wouldn't advocate a state without capitalism, although money-driven lives and societies do have their flaws. Yes we all know about the flaws of communist regimes etc, and the exploitation that occurs within them, and of course the exploitation that occurs in capitalist states too. And some people will always exploit a system of social benefits, but does that mean that we do not try to help others, because of a minority who abuse the system.

You do not want to stop people's desire to succeed, but a society which is driven by pure consumer/individualist values will always produce an underclass who do not have the opportunities to better themselves. If a society has some socialist (and this does not mean communist) values at the head of its government, then there may be some chance for the section of society which is trapped in the circle of poverty. Many people in capitalist societies are wealthy not on merit, but on simple happenstance. Why not produce a society where you can acrue wealth, but also where some of the wealth possessed by the very richest in society is redistributed to some of those less fortunate than themselves. And healthcare does not have to be a product. Why not try and create a level playing field for people to allow them to succeed and be healthy?

Relying on the charity of the super-wealthy does not always work. And socialism, whatever that is, is a theory with many facets, which differ according to who you are. The fundamentals underpin some governemts throughout the world, pure capitalism is a theory also, but parts of it are used by governments throughout the world. Your countryman Plato's Republic was one of many attempts to create a Utopian society which of course cannot exist, but to aim to better ourselves and the lives of others is call we can do.

How we do that is of course open to debate.:biggrin:
Hi CS,

More than 5 million dollars were raised.

Special Operations Warrior Foundation

Mission: For 30 years, the Special Operations Warrior Foundation, a nonprofit
501 (c) (3) organization, has provided college educations to the
surviving children of Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine Corps special
operations personnel killed in combat or training. Additionally, the Warrior
Foundation provides immediate financial assistance to special operations
personnel severely wounded so their loved ones can be bedside during their

Programs: The Special Operations Warrior Foundation provides college
scholarship grants, not loans, to surviving children of special operations
personnel killed in combat or training missions.

Action speaks louder then words, and $5 Million will do alot of good assisting those children survived by their service parent(s).

Restoring honor?

I think such initiatives do just that.

Good on' for participating, and for a successful public gathering.
Thank you, Gentlemen for your differing and civil points of view. If only Jonny would have had the foresight to do the same instead of posting the lying and slanderous post #3 of this thread that made this a right and left issue.

This thread was started to merely offer information to the people that may have heard about the rally and the curious but has drifted far from that.

When attacked by the dagger of lies and slander, as in post #3, I will defend with the sword of truth.

Glenn Beck has six #1 bestsellers (of which I have purchased none) I doubt he needed this rally to get his next book to be a bestseller.

You seem to have a problem with Beck clearing his costs before the profits going to the charity. Why would that be? If my hypothetical little league baseball team wanted to make money from raffling off a bicycle then they would only make a profit after the bike was paid for. That is how it works.
If my hypothetical little league baseball team wanted to make money from raffling off a bicycle then they would only make a profit after the bike was paid for. That is how it works.

Yes but your hypothetical little league team isn't the other of 6 bestsellers, has their own radio and TV shows and the personal fortune that goes with that. What I have a problem with is Beck peddling his hate under the auspices of charity
Incidentally US troops don't need their honour restoring, I don't believe it was ever really took away from them. Maybe your society is not affording them the amount of respect they are due, but that is a different matter all together from honour.

Throughout history America has seen many great leaders and noteworthy citizens change her course. It is through their personal virtues and by their example that we are able to live as a free people. On August 28, come celebrate America by honoring our heroes, our heritage and our future.

Join the Special Operations Warrior Foundation, Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin (she spoke as a mother of a soldier) and many more for this non-political event that pays tribute to America’s service personnel and other upstanding citizens who embody our nation’s founding principles of integrity, truth and honor.

Our freedom is possible only if we remain virtuous. Help us restore the values that founded this great nation. On August, 28th, come join us in our pledge to restore honor at the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington DC.

Well that sure does make it sound like thats what it was about
Jonny, I'm amazed at what you don't get (or don't want to get) about the rally. It had NOTHING to do with restoring the honor of U.S. troops.
In fact, pretty much exactly the opposite.
Of course, your political viewpoint won't allow you to accept that, so you're just making things up now.

Why then, was it called "restoring the honour". English is not my native tongue, so perhaps I'm missing something.

Anonther thing I'm missing: Sarah Palin not speaking as a politician but as a mother of a soldier. I accept the latter will be true, although I'm curious how many other mothers of soldiers spoke, but the former can't be. A politician is a politician 24/7. Especially a politician like Sarah Palin who needs to stay in the public eye since she holds no office anymore and wants to run in the next presidents election.
Ah well, may be it is my old world sarcasm.
And anybody want to know why Mr Holier than Thou gained his "unshakable" faith?

"I apologize, but guys will understand this. My wife is, like, hot, and she wouldn't have sex with me until we got married. And she wouldn't marry me unless we had a religion."

Yes, he did it to get laid, very virtuous

I asked Tania Beck about that. She laughed, saying, "He's not joking."
Mr Stewart as funny as he is wise as always

Yep that was funny...but I had to listen to it so I would have a knowledgeable opinion.

Have you listened to the rally so you could have a knowledgeable opinion of the hate you say Mr. Beck was spewing?
And anybody want to know why Mr Holier than Thou gained his "unshakable" faith?

Yes, he did it to get laid, very virtuous

That is a good article...Thanks for sharing. I enjoyed it so much that I have posted the article in its entirety for others to enjoy.

A Refreshing Spin on Cable TV
Glenn Beck's Fame!
June 16, 2009 —

Few of us had heard of Glenn Beck a few years ago. Now the conservative talk-jock is everywhere. His radio show reaches eight million people. He's performing live before sold-out crowds on a comedy tour.

He's had No. 1 bestsellers in both fiction and nonfiction -- plus a new book, "Common Sense: The Case Against an Out-of-Control Government" came out this week.

And now he's host of his own Fox News show, which, even though it airs in the ratings desert of late afternoon, has a bigger audience than every show on the other cable news channels.

Why is he so popular? Beck says it's because he really believes what he says. I don't buy that. Rachel Maddow and Lou Dobbs believe what they say, but their audience is a fraction of Beck's. I hope he's popular because of what he says, like: "Both parties only believe in the power of the party"; "if we get out of people's way, the sky's the limit"; and the answers to our problems "never come from Washington."

Much of the mainstream media despises Beck. "The Daily Show's" Jon Stewart quipped, "Finally, a guy who says what people who aren't thinking are thinking." MSNBC's Keith Olbermann has repeatedly named Beck "worst person in the world," and one of his MSNBC colleagues compared his TV show to watching a "car accident." On "The View," Whoopi Goldberg called him "a lying sack of dog mess."

Some of his critics dislike Beck because they consider him a Republican lapdog, but he attacks both parties. He criticized the Bush administration's spending and bailout of AIG. He says that politicians from both parties are "lying to the people that they're supposed to serve," "flushing our country down the toilet for power" and ignoring the Constitution.

He points to the takeovers of General Motors and AIG as examples of government grabbing power it doesn't legitimately have. "We're giving our freedoms away," Beck says. "The American experiment was about freedom. Freedom to be stupid, freedom to fail, freedom to succeed."

Though Beck is a success now, he struggled for years with serious personal problems. His parents divorced when he was a teenager. "My mother was an alcoholic and a drug addict," he told me when I interviewed him for a "20/20" profile. She later committed suicide.

"When I hit 30, I was going down that same path. I tried for almost two years to stop drinking. I was a jerk. I fired a guy one time for bringing me the wrong kind of pen," Yet, Beck says, "I'd look myself in the mirror every day, and say, "You're not an alcoholic. You don't have a problem."

"One morning," he says, "my kids came down for breakfast, and they said, 'Dad, tell us the story of Inky, Blinky and Stinky and the Island of Cheese.' And I realized that not only could I not remember the story I told them, I didn't even remember tucking them in. So I said, 'You see how much you remember. You tell me what was the story.'"

That night he went to Alcoholics Anonymous. Not long after, he became a Mormon. I asked him why.

"I apologize, but guys will understand this. My wife is, like, hot, and she wouldn't have sex with me until we got married. And she wouldn't marry me unless we had a religion."

I asked Tania Beck about that. She laughed, saying, "He's not joking."

Now Beck says that Mormonism has grounded him, so he's grateful to his wife.

Whatever grounded him, I'm glad something did. Because it's good to have a super-successful cable-TV host arguing that life would be better if government -- Democrats and Republicans -- just left Americans alone.

"We should reject big government and look inside ourselves for all the things that built this country into what it was," Beck says.

Copyright © 2010 ABC News Internet Ventures
I haven't watched the entire rally, nor will I as I believe it is several hours long and that is far more time than I have to dedicate to some right wing nut, I will however endeavour to find some of the rally to view.
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