Restoring Honor Rally, Washington D.C. 8-28-2010

I much prefer the Panther. It has much better speed than the Tiger and it's gun is just as good at tank killing. However, the Tigers Ammo capacity and superior HE round are a big plus. But the Panther fits me better in my tactics.
SFC Scott
Agreed that the T-34/85 is a good tank. But Russian tanks in general always seem to have a long command delay.
Give me a self-propelled gun anyday of the week.

Marders are glorious little buggers when properly handled, because they're so cheap. All Gun, nothing else... Why buy a PzIV when you can buy 2 Marders? (Not quite, but close) Your dead just as easily when that 85mm T-34 AP shell rips through your hull... Just watch out for mortars, and dont bunch them too close lest they ignite each other... Converge on your target from many different angles at once with single or pairs of marders, instead of hunting in a single tank pack...

Marders to match Russian armor, towed infantry guns+organic infantry support assets to crush the Russian Infantry...

Why buy a PzIV when you can buy 2 Marders? (Not quite, but close) Your dead just as easily when that 85mm T-34 AP shell rips through your hull...

For AT purposes I totally agree. But the Marder doesn't have a big shell loadout and only a few HE rounds. A bit like the M10 in that respect. The M10 s my usual AT pick when playing the western allies. Against German armour you need more then the 75mm gun and the Firefly is much more expensive and other 76mm gun options are more expensive too.
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