Everyone,, ok a update as to how everyone is doing. Here is where the 10 battles stand as to turns completed.
fastest game file 40
leading group (4 games) file 33,31,31,30 This group is about on pace as to where we should be.
second group (4 games) file 27,26, 24,21 these games are a little slow at the moment for different reasons, I would likely close the round finish time on these if i had to do it today
slowest game file 15 This game could be in danger of not finishing in a timely manor.
The 8th of Feb. is still looking good as to the date for ending looking at the present status of games.
5 extra points for being completed early
0 points for on time (normally a week is given starting on the finish date)
-5 points for games being completed after that.
I noticed that this feature which was added in the last two tournaments impacts the players results more than one might think.
Example: two different matches finish and the winner of each match is awarded points from somewhere between 100 to 70.
if one player has a tendency to be slow and get s a penelty and the other player finishes quickly.
That is a 10 point varience. now considering the observation that the result scoring is likely around 15 points between most of the players on the adverage except for the top finisher to the lowest winner which is the total 30 point spread.
That slow player has pretty much gave himself a point penalty that is constantly placing him on the losest winner results.
Then add the fact that the slow player is generally not a one match only person. but is someone that gets the penalty match after match.
It is impacting the overall rsults in a noticable way.
So all that to just say, I like how it is working, it will be remaining in my scoring system and is the only logical way I have come up with as to a motivation to keep you guys wanting to keep your turn rates on a consistant and timely manor to each other