RUSSIA 1942 Tourney Archive- for tactical study




You play a Cmbb May 42 QB 2000-points, 20+ turns, Meeting engagement mirror against me, swapping sides for the second game, then your percentage scores are added up and mine are subtracted.
The winner will be whoever beats me by the highest adjusted percentage and a hallowed inscribed cup will be sent to him (or a silver tankard if he prefers).
(EDIT- Winner Pauloondra chose a tankard)


As organiser, I can't win the trophy myself (sniffle)
All games count for the FGM ladder, the winner gets a sliver cup or tankard (his choice) and every competitor who finishes before the May 31st deadline will be awarded a Tourney cyber-Ribbon.

Russian T-34's whipped German armour in 1941, but can they defeat Hitler's new improved May 42 toys?

Buy whatever units you like, this is a guide to the main contenders-
The Germans at last have a 'proper' tank- the PzIVF2- which is quite capable of drilling T-34's and KV-1's frontally, but it's very expensive.
The cheaper Stug IIIF and Marder are also quite capable of dealing with T-34's and KV-1's but their lack of turrets is a handicap.
The PzIIIJ(late) has the best front armour of any of the German machines, and can't be easily penetrated by the T-34 and KV-1, but its 50mm gun has difficulty penetrating the Russians frontally unless at close range. It's sometimes issued with a few tungsten rounds which boost its killing power, especially against the slab-armoured KV's.
The T-34 and KV-1 can easily penetrate all German armour frontally except the PzIIIJ(late) which shrugs off most hits.
The big KV-2's 152mm HE-firing gun is inaccurate, slow to reload, but can damage or kill German tanks if it hits them or detonates on the ground next to them. Like the KV-1, it can be penetrated without too much trouble by the PzIVF2/StugIIIF/Marder, but the PzIIIJ(late) will have to get in close to hopefully penetrate frontally, although if it carries tungsten the job will be easier.
There is of course a much wider range of armour available to both sides which I haven't mentioned,so buy whatever you like.

The maps- Each one will be randomly generated by the computer for maximum realism and excitement, meaning none of us will be able to examine the ground until we deploy on the start line.
Therefore we must work out lines-of-sight and the best key terrain and avenues of approach etc 'on the job' without any prior rehearsal, just as in real life.
Below is a typical map to the same parameters we'll be using, namely Village/ Heavy trees/ Small hills/ Medium size map/ clear midday/extreme fow/Standard rarity-

The parameters will give a realistic balance of armour and infantry-

Typical 2000-points worth of forces to the above params. (Aircraft and artillery and anything else may be bought too).
Predictably the Germans are outnumbered (as happened historically), but Russian tanks have no radios at this early stage of the war and therefore have longer command delays, so it's a case of fast-reacting German quality against Russian quantity, historical again.
All in all, this May 42 period is one of the most balanced in cmbb because both sides armour is evenly matched and players must rely on pure skill to win.

Sign-up is open now, so send me your e-mail address, and i'll send the first files.
Also let me know if you want to finish the first game before starting the second, or whether you want to play both simultaneously.
The tourney ends MAY 31st 2010, that'll give us 6 weeks to play the two games which should be ample time.
If anybody's late seeing this thread and wants to sign up, no problem,you can sign up whenever you like before May 31st as long as you think you can finish the two games before that date.

Sign up and I'll edit you into this list

Airborne Bob
Bert Blitzkrieg
95 Bravo
Von Reich
Lord Bane
First tourney blood to 95Bravo!
My T-34's race into the town but are surprised by AP-shots ripping through the trees from his panzer group.
I'm getting a bad feeling about this..
My panzers approach the village and find it full of Lord Bane's T-34's thicker than fleas on a hound dawgs back. Here a PzIVF2 and T-34 engage and kill each other..

Von Reich's Russian steamroller seizes a flag with a huge amount of T-34 and KV heavy metal, then as my frail panzer groups close cautiously in, a KV-1 knocks out a PzIVF2 (x'd)
My panzers were on the far right flank so I hurl them on 'fast' straight down the road to beef up the defence of the flag, but a hunting pair of Wardog's T-34's materialises and kills the panzer leader with two shots in the back..
The computer gave us damp ground in this particular battle and it messed up my movement plots, resulting in my panzers concertina'ing and becoming strung out. Here Changed's T-34's launch a 2-pronged attack before I can tighten formation again, and I lose a Stug..
My Russians seize the village but at terrible cost; Changed's panzer group hits them in the flank with a fusillade of keyhole shots between the houses and I lose 3x T-34's for the loss of only 1x panzer..
Encounter on the left flank as my panzers clash with a hunting group of 3 of Mikey's T-34's.
I get the worst of the deal, 2 dead panzers for possibly 1 dead T-34..
My 3x T-34's intercept Nort's PzIVF2 and begin pouring AP shot into its vulnerable side, but amazingly it fires back and kills 2 of them and immobilizes the third!
Despite suffering a penetration,the panzer simply carried on returning fire as if nothing had happened..
Marder power..I push 3x T-34's forward to beef up control of the flag but Mikey's lurking Marder kills them all in quick succession before they even spotted him..
Using a road for a high-speed blitzkrieg thrust, Johnsy's panzers seize the village from under the noses of my T-34's on only turn 2, then knock two out for the loss of possibly just one panzer..
My 4 panzers go head-to-head against 9 of Johnsy's T-34's, and by the end of the turn 3 panzers and 3 T-34's are wrecks, an attrition rate the outnumbered German force cannot maintain..
My panzer group thinks it's safe behind the trees from Andre's T-34's, but it's not safe from the all-seeing eye of fighter-bombers as his Lavochkin attacks with a 3-rocket salvo..
My panzers are caught badly out of position (circled) and are unable to intervene as Airborne Bob's KV's and T-34's sweep into the village virtually unopposed..
As my Wehrmacht wends its way through the forests, the left flank panzer group comes under fire from Cargol's static T-34's in ambush positions on the ridge, knocking out a panzer for the loss of one or two T-34's.
I count at least 7x T-34's up there (gulp)
Backed up against the trees and immobilised, my T-34 comes under Nort's German infantry close-quarter attack and fights for its life, giving them a facefull of canister.
Inset aftermath- kaput squads testify to the effectiveness of canister shot-
With Nort's KV-1 to their front, and his flamethrower at their backs, my 2 panzers are cut down and barbecued..
Operating in two fast-moving pairs, Bert Blitzkrieg's 4x T-34's arrive at the flag on turn 2, bloodying the nose of my Wehrmacht in the process, I lose a panzer and he loses possibly 1x T-34..
Covering the road, Ratzki's lurking Marder picks off my leading T-34 like a duck at a shooting gallery..

My trio of T-34's cautiously crests the hill ready to shoot up anything approaching the flag, but Rico's Marder picks one off at long range with a keyhole shot between the tree trunks.
(Inset- the German machine's view)
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