Teaser video for CM "Market Garden"

Oh so many campaign possibilities. What game is that?

It´s "Monty´s Gamble: Market Garden" from MMP.

Right idea! :)
Both games are boardgames from MMP, which can be played via Vassal.
This must be "Where Eagles Dare" or "The Devils Cauldron" from MMP games. Both are available as vassal modules and both combined are covering the whole Market Garden operation. I was experimenting with it a lot as a OP-Layer for CM. Basically they are perfectly fitting CM as the scale is Grand Tactical with companies as basic unit scale. Hexes are 400 meters, the map really well done and the infos on OOBs are also great. Plus the chit pull system makes it not so much a IGOUGO system instead turns are "asymetrical" leading to interesting situations. Problem are the just 2 hour long turns. But there are workarounds for that :). As I said I have invested quite some time setting up some "CM-conversion-rules" around this wonderfull boardgame.

As for Command Ops: Highway to the Reich. Wonderfull game but I guess it will be difficult to implement in CM battles as there is no way to edit (at least I know of) unit information after resolving battles. And it is just pausable realtime. But the OOBs are very very detailed and a great source of information....
This must be "Where Eagles Dare" or "The Devils Cauldron" from MMP games. Both are available as vassal modules and both combined are covering the whole Market Garden operation.

All three games (including Monty´s Gamble) are adaequate for an operational Setup of CM: Normandy and it´s daughters.
This must be "Where Eagles Dare" or "The Devils Cauldron" from MMP games. Both are available as vassal modules and both combined are covering the whole Market Garden operation. I was experimenting with it a lot as a OP-Layer for CM. Basically they are perfectly fitting CM as the scale is Grand Tactical with companies as basic unit scale. Hexes are 400 meters, the map really well done and the infos on OOBs are also great. Plus the chit pull system makes it not so much a IGOUGO system instead turns are "asymetrical" leading to interesting situations. Problem are the just 2 hour long turns. But there are workarounds for that :). As I said I have invested quite some time setting up some "CM-conversion-rules" around this wonderfull boardgame.

As for Command Ops: Highway to the Reich. Wonderfull game but I guess it will be difficult to implement in CM battles as there is no way to edit (at least I know of) unit information after resolving battles. And it is just pausable realtime. But the OOBs are very very detailed and a great source of information....

Ok, found "Where Eagles Dare" or "The Devils Cauldron" on Vassal ... downloading now ... looking forward to doing something with those maps.
One aspect of this game I am looking forward to, is the ability to get lay of the land pics from DG, while designing scenarios.:rolleyes:

Yup can do... My gaming club wheere I play FoW and Bolt Action is located in Arnhem near the bridge :)
LOL this is the place where I live!!! (red circle)
And will MG an add on like CW or a standalone like Italy?

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