THREE KINGDOMS - FOG Medieval Campaign - TURN 4

Battle for ZINIA ends in a DRAW.

The AGRIGENTO and SYRACUSAN armies withdraw to Borgetto and Cafalu respectively to lick their wounds.

Agrigento Army II suffers 11% casualties and is reduced to 15 strength points.

Syracusa Army II suffers 23% casualties and is reduced to 11 strength points.


Over to @Nathangun for his next move.

Turn 4 Camp 04.jpg
Siege action: ZINIA roll= 9 +2
Attrition roll= 7 no effect

Well, that's something at least
sorry. thought i'd posted, just made another move, realised I hadn't posted this one... had it done since yesterday
AGRIGENTO plays Siege Operation on Zinia --> SUCCESS --> Zinia flips to Agrigento control.


SYRACUSA plays March Operation.
Army I marches Platane --> Kastamone.
(Modifiers: Friendly City +1, Hostile City -1, Siege Train -2) Die roll: 10 - 2 = 8 --> SUCCESS


Back over to @Nathangun

Turn 4 Camp 08.jpg
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