THREE KINGDOMS - FOG Medieval Campaign - TURN 4

@chiquichops "Hitting the olive harvest hard..."
I don't think I get the reference. You grow olives?
I harvest with a friend, he has quite a few trees. It's one of the main cash crops round here. I keep my share of the oil for home use, its all organic. I'll post a few pics sometime.
Battle for CAFALU has so far been a cagey affair.

The main Syracusan infantry force, the Janissaries have dug in with some temporary field fortifications, ready to face down the heavily-armoured enemy mercenaries.

cafalu 2.jpg

On the far right, light crossbowmen posted in a patch of woods skirmishing with light enemy mounted crossbowmen.
cafalu 1.jpg

On the far left flank -- our light mounted archers start skirmishing ... the distinctive Albanian cavalry with their funky hats and shields.
cafalu 3.jpg

The main enemy force of mercenary mounted and dismounted men at arms are hanging back... not sure if they want to tackle the elite Janissaries...
cafalu 4.jpg

Meanwhile, facing them... the main Syracusian cavalry of Sipahis mounted archers are biding their time and waiting for the right moment to strike.

cafalu 5.jpg
¡Uf! It's getting a bit more intense as the heavy men-at -arms clash with those Sipahis. We're still not engaged with any infantry yet.
You know I hate horse archers, and the Sipahis are the worst. If I manage to rough you up a bit, I'm happy with that.
Venetian victory! 43 -9
I felt on edge from the get go, relieved.
Thanks @Rico for a good fight. The victor gets a bit of a break with casualties on the end screen, a few more wounded survive the day. I guess some of the enemy 'fell' off the stretchers on their way to the hospital tent ;)
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Venetian victory! 43 -9
I felt on edge from the get go, relieved.
Thanks @Rico for a good fight. The victor gets a bit of a break with casualties on the end screen, a few more wounded survive the day. I guess some of the enemy 'fell' off the stretchers on their way to the hospital tent ;)

Well fought battle from your side -- still gotta figure out how to get the best out of the Sipahis and light troops (which were rather unimpressive in this one)

I think the victor holds the field and gets to collect his stragglers and routed troops and collect wounded.
Makes sense. It was a good fight but my lights held up well.
Handgunners are great but often get caught on the run.
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