What are you listening to right now?

We all love music right......

Prog Rock is not everyone's cup of tea, and you do have to be in the right frame of mind to listen to it even if it is your thing.
To those who don't care for it, I get that to them it just sounds random, chaotic, perhaps even made up as it goes along without rhyme or reason.

This piece by Yes is a fine example, and I envy the mind that has the imagination to create something so ethereal in it's form, as well as appreciate the musicianship required to produce the finished article.

It's 15 mins long, so I understand if you don't care to listen, but feel that you would be rewarded if you did.

....and this is powerful imagery.......

Phil Collins - I don't care anymore (Sums up how I've felt for other opinions of me for about 30 years now)

Carrying on the Pink theme........

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