These are the "Happy Days" for (most of) WoT players. Kind of good news-bad news, but I think the good is really good.
First the bad. WoT nerfed all the HE shells, basically making them useless. All those great tanks with troll cannons now reside in my garage, likely never
to be driven again. I mean, I still have around 150 other tanks to drive around so it is not like these changes really have any affect on my game playing.
I just suffer a little bit of nostalgia when thinking of the KV-2, et al.
Next the good. This confuses me. Basically, I think WG tried to make the arty experience better with their complete redo of arty shells. Pretty sure arty players
would testify that it is/was a complete fail. I know for a fact that arty presence has dropped at least 50% in matchmaking due to the shells now being basically
harmless, at least to the point where any battle that has less than 3 arty (most of them) doesn't require player concern. What I mean is that now that arty has
almost disappeared the game has returned to World of Tanks, rather that World of Arty with Tanks. Well done WG!! Although I am pretty sure that was not your
And last, my new/old favorite tank, the Tier VIII Rhm-Borsig "Waffletractor". When I first got this I thought it was (and it was) awesome. Loved that huge alpha damage.
Unfortunately, power creep over the years generally rendered it obsolete. Nowadays, you can usually get one shot off and then get spotted and dead shortly thereafter.
However, I was looking a vid and saw that the player was using the smaller 128mm gun rather than the 150mm. The smaller gun benefits from a much faster reload time
(9.14 seconds v. 20 seconds) and shell velocity (1150 m/s v. 516 m/s). Of course, you lose the 750+/- alpha damage, but 490 alpha with that reload time is terrific! . The shell
velocity is the game changer. The 120mm gun allows me to stand off, use my camo (46.96!) and become the invisible sniper. Toward end game (assuming I'm still around) and
can still move up and one shot the wounded. With a decent reload time I can also take a hit and shoot back if pressed. The 120mm gun has taken some players by surprise
thinking after I'd shot they could rush me. Wrong move there princess. LOL.
Below are two pics. The first has my Waffletractor all dressed up in some 3D camo I just got. The 2nd camo skin comes from Aslain's mod pack. You should see tank turrets turn
to check that look out!