Imma gonna give this a try. I always liked the brute force aspect of the KV-5 (Duh!), particularly useful when high tier. Given it never has to face Tier X tanks it can even perform
well at Tier IX. The main problem with it is the large R2D2 unit perched on the front of the upper hull. Anyone that has a basic knowledge of the KV-5 just shoots me there,
usually making my life expectancy a fairly short one. Setting it up as a Ram Master might reduce the amount of time red tanks have to shoot at my R2 unit as panic may well
occur when they see this beastie lumbering in on them for a ram. Plus, I won't be sitting back giving them all the time they want to bang away at my weak point(s).
I also believe it is getting buffed significantly with the next patch, including a 152mm gun!
Report to follow.
well at Tier IX. The main problem with it is the large R2D2 unit perched on the front of the upper hull. Anyone that has a basic knowledge of the KV-5 just shoots me there,
usually making my life expectancy a fairly short one. Setting it up as a Ram Master might reduce the amount of time red tanks have to shoot at my R2 unit as panic may well
occur when they see this beastie lumbering in on them for a ram. Plus, I won't be sitting back giving them all the time they want to bang away at my weak point(s).
I also believe it is getting buffed significantly with the next patch, including a 152mm gun!
Report to follow.