World of Tanks Roll Call

I understand how you feel. However, I shall persevere.
Been playing a lot over their 4th of July promotions. Using some personal reserves I've managed to get my Free XP up to 5M.
Will probably need it for when they break out the new modular system.
I would not be completely surprised if WG does some back-pedaling on their HE changes. Did you get their survey? I did and I just roasted them on it.
Gold rounds go through spaced armor? I have not seen any of that. My gold rounds won't even go through wood fence posts.
I have cut waay back on getting new tanks. They have released soo many new tanks over the last few years that it seems to me that any new tank they
release now has either been already done for some other nationality or just sux and not worth it. They may be starting to realize that they've over saturated
the tank market. This would (sorta) explain why they have been messing with the UI, "fixing" things that ain't broke. More premium tanks aren't going to be the
draw they used to be.
Some very good You Tubes by Dez, Claus and Skill with opinions of 1.13. Somebody at WG should be sweating.
On a happier note I picked up the Skoda 27 quite some time ago, but for some reason let it sit idle in my garage while other new and shiny things held my attention.
I was scrolling my tanks, looking for something to break my much too common losing streaks, and saw this. I didn't even know I had it nor any idea what it might be
able to do. Prepped it up and gave it a try. Fell in love.
@Nort If you don't have it give it a go. Given its relatively short clip reload time (21.5) it is much less frustrating to drive than similar auto-loaders that have you wait 35-40
seconds to get the gun loaded. It only has the standard 240 alpha, but it can deliver 720 alpha in 3.6 seconds! C'mon! Now that is fun!
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I understand how you feel. However, I shall persevere.
Been playing a lot over their 4th of July promotions. Using some personal reserves I've managed to get my Free XP up to 5M.
Will probably need it for when they break out the new modular system.
I would not be completely surprised if WG does some back-pedaling on their HE changes. Did you get their survey? I did and I just roasted them on it.
Gold rounds go through spaced armor? I have not seen any of that. My gold rounds won't even go through wood fence posts.
I have cut waay back on getting new tanks. They have released soo many new tanks over the last few years that it seems to me that any new tank they
release now has either been already done for some other nationality or just sux and not worth it. They may be starting to realize that they've over saturated
the tank market. This would (sorta) explain why they have been messing with the UI, "fixing" things that ain't broke. More premium tanks aren't going to be the
draw they used to be.
Some very good You Tubes by Dez, Claus and Skill with opinions of 1.13. Somebody at WG should be sweating.
On a happier note I picked up the Skoda 27 quite some time ago, but for some reason let it sit idle in my garage while other new and shiny things held my attention.
I was scrolling my tanks, looking for something to break my much too common losing streaks, and saw this. I didn't even know I had it nor any idea what it might be
able to do. Prepped it up and gave it a try. Fell in love.
@Nort If you don't have it give it a go. Given its relatively short clip reload time (21.5) it is much less frustrating to drive than similar auto-loaders that have you wait 35-40
seconds to get the gun loaded. It only has the standard 240 alpha, but it can deliver 720 alpha in 3.6 seconds! C'mon! Now that is fun!
I've got the Skoda T27 ... and it is sitting idle in my garage. I'll take it for a spin.

As for gold ammo penetrating spaced armor now ... it is a thing. One CC I like a lot is Guido1212. If you have not checked him out, I think you will really like him. He did a patch 1.13 review a little while ago. He does a nice unbiased analysis of how gold ammo works now, as well as how HE does not work now. Everybody will use the Russian 152s to fire gold now. In another video, Guido1212 explains why Arty is now a dead class. Some will think that is a good thing and some will think that is a bad thing. Either way, completing personal missions to get reward tanks will be next to impossible.
I understand how you feel. However, I shall persevere.
Been playing a lot over their 4th of July promotions. Using some personal reserves I've managed to get my Free XP up to 5M.
Will probably need it for when they break out the new modular system.
I would not be completely surprised if WG does some back-pedaling on their HE changes. Did you get their survey? I did and I just roasted them on it.
Gold rounds go through spaced armor? I have not seen any of that. My gold rounds won't even go through wood fence posts.
I have cut waay back on getting new tanks. They have released soo many new tanks over the last few years that it seems to me that any new tank they
release now has either been already done for some other nationality or just sux and not worth it. They may be starting to realize that they've over saturated
the tank market. This would (sorta) explain why they have been messing with the UI, "fixing" things that ain't broke. More premium tanks aren't going to be the
draw they used to be.
Some very good You Tubes by Dez, Claus and Skill with opinions of 1.13. Somebody at WG should be sweating.
On a happier note I picked up the Skoda 27 quite some time ago, but for some reason let it sit idle in my garage while other new and shiny things held my attention.
I was scrolling my tanks, looking for something to break my much too common losing streaks, and saw this. I didn't even know I had it nor any idea what it might be
able to do. Prepped it up and gave it a try. Fell in love.
@Nort If you don't have it give it a go. Given its relatively short clip reload time (21.5) it is much less frustrating to drive than similar auto-loaders that have you wait 35-40
seconds to get the gun loaded. It only has the standard 240 alpha, but it can deliver 720 alpha in 3.6 seconds! C'mon! Now that is fun!
Here is the Guido clip explaining the new gold mechanic and how gold ammo now goes through spaced armor, mantlets, tracks, etc. He correctly describes this patch as a gold buff. If you want to cut to the chase, start at the 5:00 minute mark. He talks about it again at the 7:00 minute mark.

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I've noted before that WG's rush to add more and more premium tanks was eventually going to succumb to diminishing returns. I think they may have reached that point.
Now they've had to start looking for other sources of revenue and their recent machinations with the UI seems to be a (sometimes) subtle way to steer the player into spending
more money in one way or the other. Now, frankly, I don't mind that. They aren't running WG just for fun. The problem that I see is in the process they are making the game much
more complicated and difficult for the new or average player to play. (Not to mention some of their recent changes just suck IMHO) I think they may be shortsighted with this tactic.
They will not make any money from those people who choose to give it up or don't want to have to deal with it at the start. And this could be terminal for them.
Of course, what do I know? They seem to be doing just fine without my help.
@Nort Rewatched Guido's vid and realized we/I got semantics mixed up.
" gold mechanic and how gold ammo now goes through spaced armor, mantlets, tracks, etc."
G was only talking about HEAT rounds when he was describing the above. And that really has little effect anyway as once the HEAT get past the tank's "shields" it now still
has to penetrate the armor to inflict any noticeable damage. HEAT rounds have much better pen than your standard HE rounds, but it is still pathetic in comparison to your
basic AP shells. So, unless you get a nice squishy target in your sights, or can get to weaker side/rear armor, it won't do anymore damage against modest frontal armor
than the regular HE.
His HEAT discussion is entirely different than AP gold rounds (APCR). The APCR rounds were completely unaffected by patch 1.13 and still vulnerable to "screens".
I've led the charge that "follow the money" was the real reason for the radical HE nerf. Now? Not so sure. I'm thinking now that it was just a screw up that caused unintended
consequences. WG tried to keep their Russian player base happy who were getting the frontal armor on their Tier X heavies slightly dented by HE spammers. They were probably
successful at that, but then ended up with this mess.
Sure makes me wonder about the upper management at WG.
Certainly understandable.
I only get upset with them because I'm pretty passionate about the game and hate it when they do stuff that makes me think they are screwing it up.
BYW, I asked Guido a question that I have never been able to find the answer to: "Where can I find out how many 5x Exp personal reserves I have, where
do I find which ones are dedicated to specific tanks and which tanks are those?" Well, OK, that's three questions but you get the idea.
Of course, he had an answer: "Go to Missions in the UI, scroll to the very bottom under Other Missions."
And there it was. I missed it the first time because it reads like, well missions rather than an inventory list. Turns out I have 521 of the little buggers not
counting those dedicated to specific tanks. I think I probably picked most of them up in Christmas Loot Boxes. :p
As for Crew 2.0 I'd bet that they put that on hold a bit until they figure out what to do about the sh**storm they are faced with atm.
Well, that is interesting.
Skill has really become vocal about WG practices recently and this is another shot. In his video today he just shreds WG for doing something "sneaky."
He presents some pretty convincing evidence that with that the "bug fix" patch of 10 days or so ago all of a sudden all the arta across all the servers are
performing noticeably better. All of them? Yep.
Now considering how v1.13 kind of nerfed them in to uselessness it wouldn't be all that unreasonable for WG to try to "fix" their screw up in some way.
Skill takes them to task for not admitting their mistake w/arta and just trying to sneak an arta patch into the game and hope that no one would notice.
Skill always notices.
Whoa! Skill just posted another vid acknowledging he was wrong and explains why.
Frankly, I don't think I really understand his error in reading the data. Something about the timing with the MOE graphs.
Anyway, he really falls on his sword on this one. I'm thinking it's more than just an apology and that WG came down on him pretty hard about it.
At least he can acknowledge when he is wrong...unlike some game companies I can think of.
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WoT has been sooo much fun over the last 2-3 days! In WG's efforts to "fix" the arty they have effectively nerfed it into uselessness.
As a result many arty players have quit, leaving only the diehards rubbing their faces on the keyboard trying to make them work somehow.
As a result MM has only put 1, and a max of 2 arty, in any of my recent battles. ATM the game, IMHO, is now better than it ever has been. Ever !
I'm now actually playing World of TANKS instead of the usual World of Artillery with tanks.
Play it while you can until WG figures out how to "fix" it somehow. :love:
WoT has been sooo much fun over the last 2-3 days! In WG's efforts to "fix" the arty they have effectively nerfed it into uselessness.
As a result many arty players have quit, leaving only the diehards rubbing their faces on the keyboard trying to make them work somehow.
As a result MM has only put 1, and a max of 2 arty, in any of my recent battles. ATM the game, IMHO, is now better than it ever has been. Ever !
I'm now actually playing World of TANKS instead of the usual World of Artillery with tanks.
Play it while you can until WG figures out how to "fix" it somehow. :love:
I only played arty rarely … usually to complete missions to get reward tanks … but I found arty necessary to the chemistry of the game. I haven’t played the game since WG “fixed” the game. Don’t see myself playing again until WG admits it’s mistake and reverses itself … which I understand will never happen. Once “Crew 2.0” goes in, that is when I uninstall.
WG released a video updating Crew 2.0. Skill and Dez have already both commented.
I have to admit I'm starting to come around to the possibility 2.0 may be a good thing. I think we can all agree that crews in WoT have been stagnant and
downright boring for many years. The skills have sorely needed updating as well. This could probably have been "fixed" by merely tweaking the current system
rather than a complete overhauls. However, we know that is not the way WG has historically done things. When was the last time you cared about your tank crews
skills? Yeah, me too. I don't play enough to earn enough crew experience to get a skill added to a crew member over 3-4. When they reach that point I generally
just tune out unless I get a new tank and need to make crew adjustments then. Plus, the available skill inventory has always been pretty useless after 3-4 anyway.
Crew skills need new blood if you will.
Pretty sure WG will make sure no one can complain about losing crew abilities/equivalents in the changeover. That would be noticed immediately and they
certainly don't want any kind of s** show coming from that kind of error.
Thus, the new skills that will be available might actually be useful, or at least useful to you as you customize your crews for your play style. I mean they certainly
won't be any less useful. Some new skills will be welcome. I admit I'm still a bit confused about the details as to actually skill application. I suspect that won't be a
problem after I work through a crew or two...or 130. I understand (sorta) that crews can be used for 2-3 tanks? Need more info on that.
WG has to do something to justify the employment of 1750 employees (2020).
Oh, just FYI. WoT has 10,058,000 subscribers, but only about 132,750 play on average per week (+/- 5%).
That means, applying the rule of 80-20, 2,100,000 subscribers generate 80% of the revenue. I suspect I'm in that group as I spend a lot of my monthly entertainment
budget on WoT just for gizmos and doodads. Can't pass up the newest, coolest camo. I can say I doubt I've ever reached "whale" status though. However, last Christmas...
Perfect example. Just spent some gold to purchase this premium light tank. An argument can be made that tier for tier this is the best light tank around. When I discovered
that I also discovered it is darn hard to come buy. Was very pleased to have it show up in today's Summer Sale. I don't like to play light tanks but perhaps this one will help
me change my mind.
2021-07-19 13_43_33-Greenshot.png
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Me, I've moved onto warships. I'm with Nort, there is so much effed up in this game now, like the GeeDee effing EBR's, I just don't enjoy it. That and the gold spam. I did enjoy Kellerman pointing out how great MM was for the ranked battles, but is an absolute S**T show in random battles.
Should you choose to play again you will note the MM is soo much better now that arty is (almost) a thing of the past.
As for WoWs? Hope you enjoy those submarines and hybrid cruiser-carriers coming soon.
The hybrid carriers don't bother me, but the subs might be a challenge. The upside is it's hard to have an unbalanced map of the OCEAN- :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
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