World of Tanks Roll Call

All patched up to v9.5. Plus, it looks like a short grind to the Firefly.

Unfortunately, I just emptied my coffers to research, buy and upgrade the tier 8 Panther 2. He is awesome. Quick, decent armor and a great gun. Everything you could want in a Medium. He snipes and brawls equally well. Currently, my favorite medium. And that is saying something because I have the Centurion 1 and Centurion 7/1.
Grrr. Tried to do a <screen print> but FRAPS failed and I have no idea why.

Anyway, like I told you, I'd sold my Pz IV and had a good German crew in the barracks doing nothing so I used up a chunk of my free exp and picked up the JgdPanther II we coveted. I like it as expected. It fills in my need for brute force nicely. It's good to be on the giving end for a change. I only have 2-3 tanks in my garage that aren't elite, in one way or the other, so I don't really have a lot to spend my free exp on. Thus, I went for instant gratification. :rolleyes:

I don't have the Tier X, 128mm gun yet as that's another 63,000 exp which is a bit much, even for me. The 105 mm (244/320) fills the gap for now. Something to look forward to.
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