World of Tanks Roll Call

My new baby Tier IX. My first one (Obj. 430 V.II). I am so proud. He's just the cutest thing.
Also known as the "Frying Pan" which, well, isn't so cute.
Hey guys,

After 6 months + away from the game I've started playing WoT again.

If anyone is interested in platooning or general tomfoolery poke me in-game, same handle as here - Dr_Powderfinger.
They've added Personal Missions now to WoT. 4 Campaigns, each to get a Premium tank, tier V, VII, IX and a X. Each campaign includes 15 missions for each class of tank, so 75 missions a piece. Not too hard missions, at least for now it seems. Quite a fun addition :)
What you see there is just my Russian contingent. I (usually) only use one crew per two tanks (or less because I can only play one tank at a time!), one premium and one regular. A premium crew can jump to another same nation, same type tank with no penalty and back again. Thus, each day I'll train a crew (usually x2 experience), jump tanks and train it (x2) again. Thus, two wins gets my one crew x4 experience not counting the 50% crew bonus for training in a premium tank. Slick huh?

Have to give Nort some cred for putting me onto this.
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