Ardennes Firefight Tourney Archive- for tactical study




You play ONE game against me, and whoever beats me by the highest score wins a hallowed trophy (or tankard, your choice)


Tourney ends at the end of June (3 weeks from now)
(EDIT- I've decided to extend the finish to midnight July 14th)
Every finisher will get a tourney ribbon, win or lose.
It's Americans v Germans, and YOU CHOOSE WHICH SIDE YOU WANT TO BE.

The random map will be different each game, this is how a typical one will look to the above parameters, the trees are Heavy so armour will find it difficult weaving through gaps, and the infantry will lurv the cover given by the trees, especially any schreck/bazooka guys.
Extreme fog of war.

An example of what the computer gave the Americans to the above parameters, a nice balance of armour and infantry

And this is what it gave the Germans, another nice balance.
Of course, it'll give me a completely different force and map every game no matter what side I am.

Sign up by sending me your e-mail address and tell me what side you want to be, and I'll send the first file. Bootie will graciously move this thread into the tourney section later.
All games count for the FGM ladder unless you choose to say otherwise before the start. (Reminder- under the ladder system rules we get a ladder point even if we lose)
Any questions, comments, death threats etc?
If not,lock and load and let's roll..:)



New names will be edited into this list. The sign-up is never closed, the tourney finishes at the end of June so sign up any time before then as late as the final week if you think you can finish.
There are no limits on numbers of competitors, the whole 100-plus club members can enter if they like..:)

"We go to gain a small patch of ground"- Soldier in Hamlet

Jonny (Ger)
Johnsy (US)
Hedgehog (US)
Ryohei (Ger)
Breaklight (Ger)
Bootie (US)
Cargol (Ger)
Rico (US)
Airborne Bob (US)
Nathangun (Ger)
mTk (US)
Bert Blitzkrieg (Ger)
Wardog (Ger)
Breakthrough (US)
Eniced73 (Ger)
Nort (US)
Von Reich (US)
LRC (Ger)
Owl (Ger)
SilentOtto (Ger)
Earl of Grey (Ger)
AntiG3n (US)
Mikey (US)
Proniakin (US)
Lord Bane (Ger)
Seel (US)
First blood in the tourney to Breaklight..
I send my force of Chaffees and Sherman105's trundling menacingly cross-country toward the left flank flag, what could possibly go wrong?
Panther! It rips a Chaff apart on only turn 1 before I'd even spotted it!
I'm getting a bad feeling about this..

Bootie's Stuart disrupts my German infantry advance by giving them a facefull of canister..

I was expecting Ryohei's German armour to come down the road that the computer had thoughtfully laid on for him at top right, but his Tiger and 2x Panthers catch my 5x Sher76's off guard by coming at them overland and pouring fire into their exposed flanks..

As my German detachment probes the woods, Johnsy's Americans among the trees zook my Stug with the clear message "butt out bub"
Turn 1, my American infantry passengers leap from the Sher 75's and race for the sanctuary of the church as Nathangun's Marders begin pouring fire into the tightly-packed tanks..
(EDIT- they later turned out to be Hummels)
Traffic jam! My sloppy move plotting means most of my PzIV's are bunched up and milling around on a bend in the road, but one tank wriggles free and makes it into the village, where he's promptly cut down by Airborne Bob's Chaffee group approaching from top right..

Rico's Shermans are perfectly positioned to pour H.E. into the heads of my advancing German infantry columns, stopping them in their tracks. My own armour is powerless to engage the Shers because it can't see them through the dense trees, and can only fire smoke shells to try to protect the infantry..
Ha ha, my German panzer group and Hedgehogs Sherman group glimpse each other as they both race hell for leather for the flags on converging paths ..:)
Wardog's panzers intercept my American infantry and begin hosing them down with MG fire (followed by HE shells).
Tac note- I laid down tank-fired smoke on the road at left to cover my infantry as they crossed it, but I forgot the panzers are on high ground and able to fire clean over the rooftops of the houses in the valley at my naked infantry like they're doing now.
(PS- note my 'red tracer' mod which shows up great in snow. I simply painted bitmaps 300 and 301 red. If anybody wants the mod let me know, it also works for cmbb)
REMINDER to lurkers
The sign-up is never closed,the tourney finishes at the end of June so sign up any time before then, as late as the final week if you think you can finish.
(EDIT- I've decided to extend the finish to midnight July 14th)
There are no limits on numbers of competitors, the whole 100-plus club members can enter if they like..:)

"There is no hunting like the hunting of man, and those who have hunted armed men long enough and liked it, never care for anything else thereafter" - Ernest Hemingway

Waddya say Pred?

"If you bleed, you can be killed"
POS v Ryohei
Winner POS, major vic

Armour at start:-
Ryohei: 2x Panthers, 1x Tiger, 1x Stug-long, 1x Lt armour
POS: 6x Sher 76's, 4x Light armour.

Endgame map, north at top, wavy lines are final front lines based on live units.
The numerically superior Sher 76's knocked out all the Ger armour for the loss of 2x Shers.
POS v Johnsy
Winner POS, total vic

Armour at start:-
Johnsy: 4x Chaffees, 3x Sher105, 3x Lt armour
POS: 6x Stug-long, 1x Pz IVlong, 1x Lt armour

Tense battle with both sides trying to find firing positions in the dense terrain
POS v Bootie

Armour at start:-
Bootie: 7x Hellcats, 3x Lt armour
POS: 6x PzIVlong, 2x Lt armour

Evenly-matched slugfest, we both bled each other white and lost nearly all our armour-
Great game thanks for running this POS.

Thanks mate, I'm quite pleased with the well-balanced random force selection that the computer is giving everybody.
In the past I haven't fancied random selection games because of the hopelessly-wild selections it came up with, for example one player might get just a bunch of halftracks, and his oppo might get good tanks, producing a hopelessly-unbalanced game.
But for this tourney I set the random selection parameter to 'Armour', which is the key to both sides getting decent armour.
I like the 'surprise factor' of seeing what the computer gives us, for example in one game it's given me 6x Shermans, but they're all the 105mm version and will be poor in tank battles, but at least some of them have got a few hollow-charge shells which will increase their punch IF I can get close enough to the target to give the innacurate low-velocity guns a chance of hitting.
It's fun and challenging to try getting the most out of whatever the computer gives us..:)
I couldn't resist using the road to hurl my infantry-carrying Panzer IV's into the village at high speed rather than go overland at snail's pace through the cloying snow, but my tanks find they've put their heads in a noose as mTk's Shermans close in for a feeding frenzy..
Von Reich uses his American halftracks phenomenal cross-country speed to brazenly insert advance infantry elements into the ville under the nose of my Panther..
Oops.. my Sherman 76's and Cargol's panzer group clash head-on down the centre road, and one of his machines looks like a Tiger (gulp)..
Nort's Americans seize the village ahead of my Wehrmacht troops and begin pouring fire into them; I hurl 3 mighty Stug 105's into the cauldron to shore up my faltering advance but it's too late, most of my infantry have broken and are crawling back to Deutschland through the light brush..
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