Battle Brothers -- bloody addictive game

We don't need no sticking badges.

Ok, I think I have my "dream team" together now. Names may be changed if I don't like the one provided. Expect to lose body parts, gentlemen. If you can't pick your nose with it, you don't need it.

Oh, and Bootie Call will be in again, automatically, because he's the head honcho. :)
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It has begun! Started a new campaign, with all DLCs. I decided to chose the generic "I'm a mercenary and have been saving my nickels and dimes and am starting a new mercenary company" beginning, rather than one of the more specialized ones. Here are the gameplay settings:

Battle Brothers Screenshot 2022.03.10 -

So, basically "Veteran" (i.e. medium) setting for everything. This time I turned off "permanent destruction" as I don't like cities and towns being gone forever, once burned to the ground. The map is much bigger than my last playthrough, due to the DLCs, I imagine. It's kinda hard going back to Level 1 with hardly any funds, but that's the price for starting over, I suppose. Looking forward to running into new enemies, and new PHAT LEWT!

Oh, I suppose I should go over "house rules". I WILL "scumsave" (save game before a battle and reload if it goes too badly). I do not plan to allow character deaths, though I may if one is particularly glorious. I will allow characters to become permanently maimed, perhaps to the point that they become useless in battle and, at that point, retire them.
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We had our first successful contract! This one took several attempts, but the FGM finally prevailed, though Meat Grinder suffered an injured hand. Wellsonian was a savage with his two handed woodcutters axe. I made good use of the reward and purchased supplies and hired Badger the Bold. He is going to be wielding a polearm (starting with a pitchfork, lol) from the second rank.

Are there new enemies with the latest DLC?

I'm not sure. Rico? The DLC was free and the main feature seemed to be two additional "origin" stories.

Again I'll point out that I have not played with *ANY* of the DLC before now, though I own them all.
We had our first successful contract! This one took several attempts, but the FGM finally prevailed, though Meat Grinder suffered an injured hand. Wellsonian was a savage with his two handed woodcutters axe. I made good use of the reward and purchased supplies and hired Badger the Bold. He is going to be wielding a polearm (starting with a pitchfork, lol) from the second rank.

I'm not sure. Rico? The DLC was free and the main feature seemed to be two additional "origin" stories.

Again I'll point out that I have not played with *ANY* of the DLC before now, though I own them all.
So all those years I spent cutting wood for my dad (we had a wood stove as the only heating source) finally paid off!
We had our first successful contract! This one took several attempts, but the FGM finally prevailed, though Meat Grinder suffered an injured hand. Wellsonian was a savage with his two handed woodcutters axe. I made good use of the reward and purchased supplies and hired Badger the Bold. He is going to be wielding a polearm (starting with a pitchfork, lol) from the second rank.
I've missed these adventures! It's good to have them back. :2charge:
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