Battle Brothers -- bloody addictive game

With all of our whining and requests, @Meatgrinder won’t have any time to skin that smoke wagon. Let him jerk that pistol and go to work! Still want the cool helmet.

A cool helmet, and probably more, will be provided to you sir, should you earn it. :) Maybe a strong, big, Oregon man like you.........

You guys are as funny as an ingrown toenail. ;-)

Let's give a big welcome to the newest member of the FGM mercenary company, The "Outlaw" Josey Wales!

@Josey Wales , sorry, I know you wanted to "dual wield" but we have enough cannon fodder in the front ranks, and we need another marksman with a bow, so you're it. Perhaps you can take our opponents on a "Missouri Boat Ride" . :)

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Good to see another archer joining me! Lets pick em off while the others keep em busy!
I believe the correct term is front rank “arrow catcher”.

The shield wall is your best friend. ;)

Based on my previous, rather long, campaign, the shield wall loses a bit of it's functionality once the opponents you are facing have the ability to find ways around it, either through special abilities, or plain old just smashing your shields to splinters.

Ok, a new contract is offered, and the Few Good Men mercenary company need funds, so we accept! Beer and whores don't pay for themselves, after all.


Some town official wants his "demoniac statuette" back, and he hired the Few Good Men to retrieve it. Heads will roll.

I used the funds from this to hire a new man, Nathangun the Notorious. He will be pikeman, although all he gets at first is Badger the Bold's hand-me-down pitchfork. Hey, I'm not made out of money.....yet. ;-)
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