Bootie reads the bible....

So what you are saying is, all your past statements about the bible full of contradictions was just talk from you without any facts to back it up. You want us to prove that it is without faults etc. ??? How do you wish that to happen seeing we believe it is perfect as it is. LOL

Apsoletoly not, i can write few that bats are birds, that earth is flat, that one can stop Sun, etc...
But, i'm very interested to see something that supports claims that todays bible is very same book like it was 2000 years ago...and claims that whatever is described in bible is true.
Having participated in a lot of these debates, the fact is that if someone has FAITH that something is true, which basically means a belief despite the absence of evidence, and they have invested heavily emotionally in their faith, they're not gong to be shifted by reason or evidence and often get quite offended.

I've come to the conclusion that religion is a subject best left alone, frankly, unless the religiously inclined wish to push their beliefs into the faces of others, which does not seem to be a problem round here in any case. So I'll try to refrain from doing the same in reverse.
Why should christians care if people want to disbelieve the bible? It's no skin off our noses..:)

But, in that case, dont push your religion as main one, or as most important one, or 'the one that can explain universe'.
I find it funny that other then POS there has been one real answers to Bootie's 3 questions ...or should I say other then POS in his odd way of putting things.
If bootie is serious about his questions? Hard to tell with as I feel the tongue in cheek way he is putting the questions out.
If so there is no simple answers and taking any book, be it the bible/Koran/ The Hindu Gita etc and pulling out one verse or so and trying to figure out the meaning of life(42) from it with out reading the whole does not do justice to the questions and answers.
But, in that case, dont push your religion as main one, or as most important one, or 'the one that can explain universe'.

He has not and it is Bootie that asked the questions.
However it's FUN to debate, I've been at it around philosophy/religion discussion internet forums for many years, sometimes I get kicked out of atheist forums and sometimes I get kicked out of bonehead fundy "christian" forums, they can't beat me in debates so they get rid of me, cluck..cluck..:)

In my expeirnce banned people are nothing more than iritating...not one who you cant beat in debates...
Of course people are irritated because they can't beat me in debates..:)
But sometimes atheists speak good sense like this one called Gwenhez who warned her mates about me- "Mick's a tough nut to crack folks. Don't mess with that one"
Of course people are irritated because they can't beat me in debates..:)
But sometimes atheists speak good sense like this one called Gwenhez who warned her mates- "Mick's a tough nut to crack folks. Don't mess with that one"

You think that people can beat you in debates...only you, the dont.
Example, I saw your post about god, atheist, tsunamis...and i cant remeber on fgm...I was speechless...i thought you were joking...
In one episode of Star Trek the bad guys wipe out the memories of the Enterprise crew, so nobody knows who they are or where they are.
Picard says something like -"We seem to be on a ship [Enterprise] of some kind in space"..
Naturally they assume somebody must have built the ship,they never for an instant think it 'built itself'
Likewise we're on this 'ship' in space [Earth] without knowing how we got here, yet atheists say "it built itself".
What do you say to that Spock?
Likewise we're on this 'ship' in space [Earth] without knowing how we got here, yet atheists say "it built itself".

IN real life we do know what this is [Earth], and we do know how it became. We alse do know how human race evolved. So, that is not good example of logic.
.. I saw your post about god, atheist, tsunamis...and i cant remeber on fgm...I was speechless...i thought you were joking...

If you mean my stunning post where I likened 'reality' to a fragile dream or an illusion, Einstein said the same thing, or don't you believe scientists?-
"Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one'' -Albert Einstein

If you mean my stunning post where I likened 'reality' to a fragile dream or an illusion, Einstein said the same thing, or don't you believe scientists?-
"Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one'' -Albert Einstein

No, i mean something else...never mind...
Anyway, that 'reality' quote can be applied to believers it does not mean anything...
Ah yes, atheists say the Earth and the universe decided to create themselves. Are they joking?..:)

No, not a single person never said something like that.
Universe and Earth 'creation' is process that has been investigated quite good.
POS quote- atheists say the Earth and the universe decided to create themselves.

Zaraza reply-No, not a single person never said something like that.


Well if atheists say the universe didn't create itself, who do they say did create it??
Question for atheists-
Do you think it's possible that some life-forms have evolved into purely spiritual malign entities known as 'demons'?
Question for atheists-
Do you think it's possible that some life-forms have evolved into purely spiritual malign entities known as 'demons'?

They might.
But, they also might be evolved in 100% human like creatures...but in another dimension ;) Some researchers are very convinced that there are few more physical dimensions. Unfortunately, we cant see them...
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