Bootie reads the bible....

..Other dimensions are possible only mathematically..

Yes, "Mathematics is the language with which God has written the universe" -Galileo
"This most beautiful system [The Universe] could only proceed from the dominion of an intelligent and powerful Being"- Isaac Newton
Two possible dimensions that spring to mind are heaven and hell..
..Those human hosts live in our dimension, and not in hypothetical dimensions.

Yes, we all live in the human dimension, but there may be other dimensions where other life-forms live.

Two possible dimensions that spring to mind are heaven and hell..

No, not that kind of dimensions.

Yes, we all live in the human dimension, but there may be other dimensions where other life-forms live.
I already said...yes, but so far there is no way for us to know about that, or make contact.
And how do you know that Hebrew versions are 100% correct?

There are some 14,000 manuscripts and fragments of the Old Testament of three main types: 10,000 from the Cairo Geniza found in 1897, dating back as far as about AD. 800; 190 from the Dead Sea Scrolls find in 1947-1955, the oldest dating back to 250-200 B.C.; and more then 4,314 assorted other copies. The short time between the original Old Testament manuscripts (completed around 400 B.C.) and the first extensive copies (about 250 B.C.) This, along with the more than 14,000 copies that have been discovered ensures the trustworthiness of the Old Testament text. The next nearest reliable text comes nowhere near to having this much backup, not even close. The earliest quoted verse is Numbers 6:24-26 date from 800-700 B.C. There are more then 5,300 manuscripts or portions of the Greek New Testament with somewhere near 800 copied before A.D. 1000. The time between the original composition and our earliest copies is about 60 years or so. To say that the Bible text are unreliable or have been changed, you would have to throw out every other text on the planet as unreliable.
Let's make some actual comparisons that I hinted about eariler.
Caesar-The original texts written in 100-44 B.C.-The earliest copies 900 A.D.-Span of time between the two:1,000 yrs-Total manuscripts and texts 10
Plato-The original texts written in 427-347 B.C.-The earliest copies 900 A.D.-Span of time between the two:1,200 yrs -Total manuscripts and texts 7
Thucydides-The original texts written in 460-400 B.C.-The earliest copies 900 A.D.-Span of time between the two:1,300 yrs-Total manuscripts and texts 8
Tacitus-The original texts written in 100 A.D.-The earliest copies 1100 A.D.-Span of time between the two:1,000 yrs -Total manuscripts and texts 20
Suetonius-The original texts written in 75-160 A.D.-The earliest copies 950 A.D.-Span of time between the two:800 yrs -Total manuscripts and texts 8
Homer (Iliad)-The original texts written in 900 B.C.-The earliest copies 400 B.C.-Span of time between the two:500 yrs-Total manuscripts and texts 643
New Testament-The original texts written in 40-100 A.D.-The earliest copies 125 A.D.-Span of time between the two:25-50 yrs-Total manuscripts and texts at least 24,000

All this is easily researchable, my numbers might be a bit off, but not enough to change the fact that the Bible is FAR more reliable and true to the original writings then any other text in the world. We can discuss the Big Bang next if you want or any other subject you choose, I believe that the Christians here are up to the challenge of good discussions with respect to all that may disagree.
That was nice post, so now we know that Bible today is most likely Bible 2000y ago.
However, that does not imply that statements in Bible are true...especially that it can explain Big Bang or Universe...
That was nice post, so now we know that Bible today is most likely Bible 2000y ago.
However, that does not imply that statements in Bible are true...especially that it can explain Big Bang or Universe...

You can not explain the big bang sir, many today doubt the big bang also.
You can not explain the big bang sir, many today doubt the big bang also.

Modern science can explain BB. At least, it can explain what and how everything happened after it.
Those 'many' are mostly creationist and/or fanatic believers.
The Bible is a Spiritual Survival Handbook, not a science textbook; it doesn't want us to waste our time on scientific theories and stuff-
"Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith" (Hebrews 12:2)
..Modern science can explain BB. At least, it can explain what and how everything happened after it..

Yes that's easy, we know there was a Big Bang because we can see the universal debris field still expanding.
But what science can't explain is what was there BEFORE the BB, and what caused it..:)
The Bible is a Spiritual Survival Handbook, not a science textbook; it doesn't want us to waste our time on scientific theories and stuff-
"Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith" (Hebrews 12:2)

I agree with that, not totally but i agree.
Problem is that many think and presents Bible as science book that can explain everything.
Modern science can explain BB. At least, it can explain what and how everything happened after it.
Those 'many' are mostly creationist and/or fanatic believers.

again you talk with out any facts, to support your statements.
..Problem is that many think and presents Bible as science book that can explain everything.

Our human minds can never see the big picture-
The angel in human form said:-"Why do you ask my name seeing it is beyond human understanding?" (Judges 13:17)
..We can explain and understand our Universe better than any time in our history..

We know it's just useless boring cosmic debris floating aimlessly around, what more do we need to know?
We know it's just useless boring cosmic debris floating aimlessly around

You are made of that useless cosmic debris. Purpose of its wondering around is not matter of science.

what more do we need to know?

Much more than that. If you dont know anything, and you dont want to search and explore, what are you?
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