Great movie scenes.

I was really disappointed about the (last???) two Hercules movies. It was in no way worth the money spent and made this fine story to a mere brawling with stupid talking. Very annoying.

Greetings :)
@mTk: I don´t know what You mean with 2014 movie clip. I meant the Hercules movie with Johnson as Hercules and a second movie what was released around the same time. There a tiny muscle guy played the Hercules.

Greetings :)
Im gonna have to watch this... the cinematography is epic. The scene at 3:14 looks like a shot straight out of Signal Magazine.

Some of it looks epic and staging and costumes etc look great ... the fight scene is idiotic.
If the Russians had charged like that, the German squad MG-34's(curously absent) would've probably mowed them down...
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