Situation map after the first pair of battles at start of TURN 2.
Both sides' three follow-on Btn task forces have now entered the map.
In the north, with the battle ending in a Draw in Fauglia Pass, this zone is now "contested" and we are fighting a follow-up ME battle to sort matters out up there.
The overwhelming hordes of American infantry of 1st Btn 24 RCT managed a Total Victory over WSS Btn Becker, which now loses a strength pip and retreats out of the hex, it also gets a "regrouping marker" -- meaning it can move and defend as normal, but cannot attack this turn.
The 1st Btn 24 RCT has a "battle won" marker added.
Axis orders have been locked in on my side -- waiting for @Paleolithic Monk to send me his Allied orders, then we can proceed with the next round of moves and battles.
Both sides' three follow-on Btn task forces have now entered the map.
In the north, with the battle ending in a Draw in Fauglia Pass, this zone is now "contested" and we are fighting a follow-up ME battle to sort matters out up there.
The overwhelming hordes of American infantry of 1st Btn 24 RCT managed a Total Victory over WSS Btn Becker, which now loses a strength pip and retreats out of the hex, it also gets a "regrouping marker" -- meaning it can move and defend as normal, but cannot attack this turn.
The 1st Btn 24 RCT has a "battle won" marker added.
Axis orders have been locked in on my side -- waiting for @Paleolithic Monk to send me his Allied orders, then we can proceed with the next round of moves and battles.