Valentines v Pz III's Tourney Archive - for tactical study

Re: Valentines v Pz III's Tourney

Er...i think that was a miss guys..
My Russki squad must have been so rattled by the close proximity of Wardog's panzer that they temporarily lost full control of their molotov-throwing arm muscles.
Nevertheless this is a respectable 75 metres (the grid is 20-metre squares) and is the furthest i've ever seen a molotov lobbed..

Re: Valentines v Pz III's Tourney

My German infantry break and abandon the flag in blind panic under a tremendous hammering from Wardog's arty barrage, small arms and halftrack MG fire..
Re: Valentines v Pz III's Tourney

Enven's Yak is back, attacking my static panzer group (blue circle) with a fusillade of 3 rockets (white arrows), while at the same time his advancing Valentines (red arrow) pour withering 6-pounder fire into them..
Re: Valentines v Pz III's Tourney

The continual harmless ricochets and the little cracking sound each time it fires tell me that 2054172's russian gun is only a baby and has a life expectancy of mere seconds when my panzers begin firing back..
Re: Valentines v Pz III's Tourney

With its machine-gun chattering defiantly, Seel's halftrack leads a high-speed recon probe against the flank of my advancing Red Army on turn 2.

Tactical note- that's pretty much my standard 2000-pt Russian force purchase for this tourney, 13 x vet Valentines and 7 x regular infantry platoons backed up by 8 x MG's and a couple of snipers
Re: Valentines v Pz III's Tourney

Seel unleashes his German "wunderkanone", i don't know what it is, all I know is it made a whooshing sound and left a backblast smoke trail, and its shell (rocket?) hurt my Valentine (inset) with its apparently high-explosive or HEAT blast at longish range..
Re: Valentines v Pz III's Tourney

MEMO to all combatants-

1- Somebody asked me why I'd bought T-34's and I explained I hadn't, the extreme fog of war was mis-identifying my Vals, i thought everybody knew it does that sometimes.

2- And before people ask why is the ground "Damp" in some games which slows tanks and vehs offroad, I can tell them now that the computer randomly makes the ground damp in some QB's even though I set "Dry" in the parameters.
For example there's damp in one of my games against Bootie, huh as if my Vals aren't slow enough already. But in most of these games the ground is Dry.

3- And in case anybody hasn't guessed yet, in the screenshot captions I make some players names Red, and some Blue depending on whether they're playing as the Russian (red) or German (blue) side
Re: Valentines v Pz III's Tourney

One of Seel's Valentines exchanges fire with one of my panzers.
This is usually my standard German force pick for the tourney, 10x PzIIIJ(lates)(blue ringed) and 7x infantry platoons, plus a couple of snipers-

Re: Valentines v Pz III's Tourney

Mikey's halftrack coolly reverses a gun into position in front of the approaching Red Army..
Re: Valentines v Pz III's Tourney

1- My panzers knocked out Seel's Valentine up ahead last turn, so I decide to send three fast along the dotted line to hook into the Russian rear and flush out that halftrack lurking behind the house at top right, what could possibly go wrong?

2- Uh oh, the panzers blunder at full speed into what looks like a Valentine tank park (there's even a gun back there) and don't stand a chance, and although they fire wildly to try to defend themselves, all 3 are destroyed for the loss of about one Val..
Re: Valentines v Pz III's Tourney

1- USS Wyomings Valentine hunting pack (bottom) surgically cuts the road by laying down a fire lane along it that my panzers walk into..

2- The German view as my panzers slam on their brakes and begin fighting for their lives as 6-pounder shot rips into them..
Re: Valentines v Pz III's Tourney

In the mirror, USS Wyoming continues interdicting roads, this time with his Messerschmitt jabo which lays 4 bombs across my Valentine group resulting in the loss of two unbuttoned tank commanders..
(blue arrow indicates the aircrafts flight path)

Re: Valentines v Pz III's Tourney

Differing strategies- While my Germans advance on a broad front, Nathangun's armour/infantry column punches straight down the middle to seize the heart of the field..
Re: Valentines v Pz III's Tourney

My 5 x panzers carefully peek around the wood on 'hunt' looking for their natural prey --russian armour-- but rather than finding a small group as they'd hoped, they find themselves face to face with no less than 10 of Willard's Valentines, and begin fighting for their lives. The engagement ended with about a couple of tank losses each....
Re: Valentines v Pz III's Tourney

My Russian infantry's advance on the main flag in the centre stalls as Vartuoosi's static panzer group (blue circle) and other Wehrmacht units pour concentrated tank and small-arms fire into it. My two Valentine groups at bottom left and bottom right are too far away to support the infantry because they've been on static overwatch, so now I hurry them forward..
Re: Valentines v Pz III's Tourney

Nathangun's halftracks take up position to pour MG fire into my approaching Russian infantry columns on the skyline..
Re: Valentines v Pz III's Tourney

With my Russian Valentines concentrated in the village on the right, Airborne Bob's panzers exploit into my wide open left flank, and the Russian front line (red wavy line) begins to stretch to breaking point..
Re: Valentines v Pz III's Tourney

I'm editing new sign-ups into the first post on page 1, there are 20 competitors so far

Re: Valentines v Pz III's Tourney

My 5-strong panzer group is heavily outnumbered by Enven's Valentine groups totalling 11 machines, both sides have been bleeding each other white for the past few turns in a fearsome battle of attrition and I lose 5 out of 5 panzers, for the loss of 6 out of 11 Vals..
Re: Valentines v Pz III's Tourney

1- Bert Blitzkrieg's Valentine group trades shots with my panzer group in a typical tank battle; both sides advancing cautiously in tight 'hunt' formation then halting and opening fire the instant they spot the enemy..

2- The German view, most of both sides shots are missing at this fairly long range and only about one tank each has been lost. (ongoing)
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