Valentines v Pz III's Tourney Archive - for tactical study

Re: Valentines v Pz III's Tourney

Nort's gun, (Pak 75mm?) deployed brazenly on the open road knocks out one of my 5-strong Valentine group on turn 1 at 981 metres. My tanks fire back but their shots sail wide, note one hitting the road behind the gun
Re: Valentines v Pz III's Tourney

Should have put my guns there lol, they didn't survive long in the woods
Re: Valentines v Pz III's Tourney

I detach 3 x Valentines to root out a gaggle of Airborne Bob's halftracks that were threatening the village, and kill two. The f.o.w. is id-ing one as an 'SP gun' but i can tell from the harmless little crack of its weapon that it's probably a 37mm-Pak armed halftrack, but whatever it was it's now in flames..

Re: Valentines v Pz III's Tourney

Anatomy of a tank battle..

1- Airborne Bob's 5-strong Valentine column are advancing into the soft exposed head of my infantry, so I send 5 x panzers in the Starfleet 'Picard' manoeuvre to hit them in their sides. Here my panzers are arriving on 'fast' at a perfect hulldown position along a small ridge (white dotted line), what could possibly go wrong?
Re: Valentines v Pz III's Tourney

2- The shooting starts and the Valentine column breaks up as they desperately mill around and return fire..
Re: Valentines v Pz III's Tourney

3- Amazingly I lose 4 x panzers for the loss of only 2 x Vals, so I order my sole survivor to reverse to safety.
I don't know why it went pear-shaped, just the fortunes of war, although a factor was the small-calibre 50mm shot of the panzers, compared to the 57mm of the Vals. A single 50mm penetration rarely kills a Val outright, it often needs 2 or more penetrations to do the job.

What do you say about my panzer losses Worf?

"They died well"
Re: Valentines v Pz III's Tourney

In fact i've just found out Nort's 75mm Pak which starred in an earlier stunning screenshot killed two Vals, not one! (below)
Note how the front two automatically dived off to the sides in a panic when they seen their mates get it..

Re: Valentines v Pz III's Tourney

AntiG3n's panzer group sits on the high ground at top left dominating the village, from where it begins pouring fire down into my infantry thrust, so I advance my Valentine column (bott left) to tackle them and take the heat off my infantry.
Meanwhile another panzer group is ominously approaching the battle area from top centre..

Re: Valentines v Pz III's Tourney

I sometimes buy a Stummel (75mm short gun) instead of an extra infantry platoon and hold it back until soft targets appear such as trucks and halftracks.
Inset- my new toy knocks out USS Wyoming's truck and a halftrack in quick succession..

Re: Valentines v Pz III's Tourney

My 5-strong panzer group (bott right) were reduced to 2 machines in an earlier tank battle and the survivors dare not advance further into the teeth of Mikey's approaching Valentines and a static gun (white circle) which is now shelling my infantry probe.
My infantry garrison at the large flag (blue circle top left) is therefore now out on a limb, unsupported and perilously exposed..

Re: Valentines v Pz III's Tourney

Jonny's combined panzer/infantry assault caves in my right flank! I count about 5 x panzers against my 4 x Vals, losses are about 2 each so far..
Re: Valentines v Pz III's Tourney

My Valentine column had to laboriously wend its way through the scattered trees in order to give close support to my main infantry advance but it worked; Willards panzer group at top left are too busy defending themselves in the tank battle to intercept my infantry which now has the main flag in a grip of iron. About 2 tanks have been lost in each group so far..
Re: Valentines v Pz III's Tourney

After shooting up Seel's light armour recon probe earlier (far right), my 3 x Valentines decide to stay put and support my infantry in the woods near the minor flag. Bad call.
Seel's gun opens up and knocks out two Vals, i suspect the gun is a Puppchen because it went 'whoosh' when it fired..


EDIT- next turn the gun knocked out the third Valentine in the group
Re: Valentines v Pz III's Tourney

Some poor privates had to hump that thing through the woods wondering if they would ever get to fire it or if their efforts would be in vain. As they got it into place and ready to fire an NCO took over and fired the weapon to the private's dismay.:wacko:
Re: Valentines v Pz III's Tourney


POS v 2054172 (1st game of mirror)
Winner- POS (Russian) Total vic 84%-16%
Armour losses- POS=5, 2054172=13
Mirrors completed- 0/21
Indiv games completed- 1/42
POS Played 1, Won 1, Drawn 0, Lost 0
Endgame map showing final front lines (wavy lines), north at top.
Flags outlined in white for clarity.

Re: Valentines v Pz III's Tourney

1- As my German infantry and panzers crest the ridgeline (white dotted line) their attack is broken up by a storm of fire from Nort's Valentines, infantry and a gun at top right, my infantry immediately go to 'sneak', and the panzers slam into reverse and scatter, they know by the guns sound that it's not a baby..
Re: Valentines v Pz III's Tourney

2- Meanwhile on the other side of the map, Nort's red infantry come bursting out of the scattered trees going after the flag, followed by Valentines giving close support, and my panzers guns begin speaking in harsh guttural tones..
Re: Valentines v Pz III's Tourney


POS v 2054172 (2nd game of mirror)
Winner- POS (German) Minor vic 62%-34%
Armour losses- POS=4, 2054172=8
Mirrors completed- 1/21
Indiv games completed- 2/42
POS Played 2, Won 2, Drawn 0, Lost 0
Endgame map showing final front lines (wavy lines), north at top.
Flags outlined in white for clarity.



NOTE- Go to the CURRENT LEADER BOARD in the first post of page 1 of this thread which i'll keep editing the mirror results into.
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