Valentines v Pz III's Tourney Archive - for tactical study

Re: Valentines v Pz III's Tourney

Up close and personal, my green German squad throws a grenade bundle at Seel's Valentine and immobilises it; just previous they also fired a rifle grenade at it without effect, they're green but they're mean!
Re: Valentines v Pz III's Tourney


POS v Cargol (1st of mirror pair)
Winner- Cargol (Russian) Major vic 82%-18%
Armour losses- POS=10, Cargol= 4
Mirrors completed- 1/21
Indiv games completed 3/42
POS Played 3, Won 2, Drawn 0, Lost 1
Endgame map showing final front lines (wavy lines), north at top.
Flags outlined in white for clarity.



Tank Combat Badge cyber-award to Cargol for killing all my 10 x panzers-
Re: Valentines v Pz III's Tourney

Airborne Bob's panzers spread out to claim a large slice of real estate and a hunting pair begin approaching the village outskirts with infantry in support, but my Valentines are lurking in ambush and the hunters become the hunted....

Re: Valentines v Pz III's Tourney

The importance of close arty support, also could have posted this in the tank hunter thread too.

My 81mm FO lays down a barrage of fire into those trees, plenty of treebursts and ground contacts right on top of the contact markers. This was the second barrage he had laid down, the other one further towards the west of the map.


I send 3 tank hunter teams and 2 squads to rush the gap, I know POS has had SMG squads elsewhere and havn't encountered higher than green yet so i know that arty barrage must have done something.

One inf squad breaks under fire from a valentine but the rest make it across, even here this 2 man tank hunter team scares off an SMG squad!

Re: Valentines v Pz III's Tourney

Mobile warfare on the Eastern Front..
My big Red Army infantry pack seizes the flag at (1), and Willard's panzer group at (2) is unable to impede them because its got its hands full grappling with my Valentine group at (3).
He then throws a second panzer group into the fray at (4), and I counter by sending my second Valentine group from (5) to beef up the threatened sector..

Re: Valentines v Pz III's Tourney

In yer face..
Nathangun's panzer column secures the flag at rear left and continues advancing, sweeping dazed and bewildered Russian remnants before it..

Re: Valentines v Pz III's Tourney


POS v Cargol (2nd of mirror pair)
Winner- POS (Russian) Major vic 75%-25%
Armour losses- POS=0, Cargol= 5
Mirrors completed- 2/21
Indiv games completed 4/42
POS Played 4, Won 3, Drawn 0, Lost 1
Endgame map showing final front lines (wavy lines), north at top.
Flags outlined in white for clarity.



LEADER BOARD UPDATED Cargol new leader!
(Full listing in first post on page 1)
Re: Valentines v Pz III's Tourney

Nort's Russian infantry attempt to infiltrate the wood without waiting for their Valentine backup but find my infantry line ready to receive them..
Re: Valentines v Pz III's Tourney

Jonny's Wehrmacht crushes my flag garrison like a walnut and the shocked survivors desperately retreat to escape total encirclement. All 4 of my Valentines in foreground are dead..
Re: Valentines v Pz III's Tourney

Zaraza's Valentine hunting pack stalks into the village looking for trouble as my Germans approach the flags..
Re: Valentines v Pz III's Tourney

Red Devil's panzers with infantry aboard (foreground) have a clear run to this main flag because my 3 slow-moving Valentine groups (white circles) are too far away to intercept..
Re: Valentines v Pz III's Tourney

1- Jonny's German infantry assaults my flag garrison..
2- So I send 4 x Vals hooking round to engage them..
3- But a surprise thrust by his panzers catches the Vals in the side..


Re: Valentines v Pz III's Tourney

I thought this looks pretty cool, be even cooler if it wasn't my Val. It's shot missed, predictably.

BTW it's not obv in that picture but it is that burning tank that just fired that shot!

Re: Valentines v Pz III's Tourney

Andre launches a concentrated panzer attack (I count at least 8 machines) to try to break my Red Army's grip on these two flags..
Re: Valentines v Pz III's Tourney

After overwhelming my PzIII's (blue X's mark the wrecks), Jonny's Valentine fleet drives deep into my rear areas, so I seize the opportunity to advance my German infantry a little nearer the main flag..
Re: Valentines v Pz III's Tourney


POS v Jonny (1st of mirror pair)
Draw: Jonny (Russ) 54%, POS 46%
Armour losses: POS=6, Jonny=8
Mirrors completed- 2/21
Indiv games completed 5/42
POS Played 5, Won 3, Drawn 1, Lost 1
Endgame map showing final front lines (wavy lines), north at top.
Flags outlined in white for clarity.

Re: Valentines v Pz III's Tourney

Bert Blitzkrieg's gun (75mm Pak?) kills 3 of my Vals in quick succession, they fired back but their 57mm shells have a low blast rating and the gun remained unscathed..

The gun's view from its well-camouflaged position..

EDIT- Later I tried moving the 2 surviving Vals out but the gun got them both, bringing the total Val kills for that gun to 5
Re: Valentines v Pz III's Tourney

My Russian infantry are cut down by Vartuoosi's Germans who are in total control of the wood..
Re: Valentines v Pz III's Tourney

1- My Russian infantry advance stalls and can only watch dumbfounded as AntiG3n's infantry seize the flag from under their noses,
2- because my Valentines are too busy defending themselves against his panzer group to help.
Meanwhile my other two Val groups (white circles) are too far away to join the party..

Re: Valentines v Pz III's Tourney


POS v Jonny (2nd of mirror pair)
Draw (Jonny (Ger) 55%, POS 45%)
Armour losses: POS=12, Jonny=8
Mirrors completed- 3/21
Indiv games completed 6/42
POS Played 6, Won 3, Drawn 2, Lost 1
Endgame map showing final front lines (wavy lines), north at top.
Flags outlined in white for clarity.



LEADER BOARD UPDATED Jonny new leader!
(Full listings in first post on page 1)
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