Valentines v Pz III's Tourney Archive - for tactical study

Re: Valentines v Pz III's Tourney

My 3x panzers move against the small flag but are punished severely by AntiG3n's lurking Valentine which quickly picks off two in quick succession like ducks at a shooting gallery-

Re: Valentines v Pz III's Tourney

ACSpectre deploys a welcoming committee comprising a tank, a gun, infantry and possibly a kitchen sink against my approaching German infantry..

Re: Valentines v Pz III's Tourney

The German front line buckles and heaves like an earthquake as Willard's Valentine army subjects it to intense pressure..

Re: Valentines v Pz III's Tourney


POS v Andre (2nd of mirror pair)
POS won total vic 89%: 11%
Armour losses this game: POS 0: Andre 11
Armour losses in tourney so far: POS=137, Oppos=196
Mirrors completed- 12/23
Indiv games completed 24/46
POS Played 24, Won 12, Drawn 7, Lost 5
Endgame map showing final front lines (wavy lines), north at top. Flags outlined in white for clarity



LEADER BOARD UPDATED Mikey still leads!
(full updated leader board listings are in first post on page 1)
Re: Valentines v Pz III's Tourney

ACSpectre's gun and Valentine serve notice of eviction on my German infantry..

Re: Valentines v Pz III's Tourney


POS v Nathangun (1st of mirror pair)
POS won total vic 89%: 11%
Armour losses this game: POS 2: Nathangun 19
Armour losses in tourney so far: POS=139, Oppos=215
Mirrors completed- 12/23
Indiv games completed 25/46
POS Played 25, Won 13, Drawn 7, Lost 5
Endgame map showing final front lines (wavy lines), north at top. Flags outlined in white for clarity


POS v AntiG3n (1st of mirror pair)
AntiG3n won Tactical vic 71%: 29%
Armour losses this game: POS 7: AntiG3n 1
Armour losses in tourney so far: POS=146, Oppos=216
Mirrors completed- 12/23
Indiv games completed 26/46
POS Played 26, Won 13, Drawn 7, Lost 6
Intoducing new style endgame view. Final front lines are wavy lines, Armour wrecks are 'X', Flags are outlined in yellow for clarity, north at top.
Summary- I had the slightly better flag score but AntiG3n racked up big points for killing 7 of my panzers for the loss of only 1 Valentine, and he gets a massive 18 ladder points (6 for his Tac vic, tripled by bounty bonus to 18)

mTk's Valentines decisively defeat the panzer group at bottom right, opening the way for russian infantry to sweep the woods clear of Germans..


POS v AntiG3n (2nd of mirror pair)
POS won Tactical vic 68%: 32%
Armour losses this game: POS 1: AntiG3n 4
Armour losses in tourney so far: POS=147, Oppos=220
Mirrors completed- 13/23
Indiv games completed 27/46
POS Played 27, Won 14, Drawn 7, Lost 6
Endgame view: Final front lines are wavy lines, Armour wrecks are 'X', Flags are outlined in yellow for clarity, north at top.
Summary- Once again Valentines show they're definitely better than Pz III's in every game in the tourney, bigger shell, better armour, cheaper to buy.



LEADER BOARD UPDATED Mikey still leads!
(full updated leader board list is in first post on page 1)
ACSpectre's russian 76mm gun subjects my German infantry to a canister barrage..





The gun fired several times at high trajectory; the fatal cloud spread out and plastered an area of roughly 60metres diameter, but I counted all my men before and after the bombardment and amazingly not a single man was lost.
I was hoping you would post something about that. I had never fired cannister at infantry before and was wondering what effect it would have. I thought it would be a little more lethal, but at least it kept your head down. :thumb:
Canister at 400 meters!?! Madness!!!

Crazy Ivan gunners must have grabbed the wrong shell!
Real artillery- ACSpectres tremendous sustained russian heavy artillery barrage reduced my once-proud panzer platoon to little more than scrap metal, 3 immobilisations and a damaged gun; note the crater-strewn landscape..


POS v ACSpectre (1st of mirror pair)
POS won Minor vic 57%: 43%
Armour losses this game: POS 1: ACSpectre 2
Armour losses in tourney so far: POS=148, Oppos=222
Mirrors completed- 13/23
Indiv games completed 28/46
POS Played 28, Won 15, Drawn 7, Lost 6
Endgame view: Final front lines are wavy lines, Armour wrecks are 'X', Flags are outlined in yellow for clarity, north at top.
Summary- Tense battle but I maintained a toehold on a small flag to tip the points balance my way

Once again ACSpectre shows his mastery of the Art of Bombardment as he forces my Valentines to run the gauntlet of a devil's footprint (circled) which destroyed one and crippled another..


POS v Willard (1st of mirror pair)
Draw, POS 53%: Willard 47%
Armour losses this game: POS 5: Willard 7
Armour losses in tourney so far: POS=153, Oppos=229
Mirrors completed- 13/23
Indiv games completed 29/46
POS Played 29, Won 15, Drawn 8, Lost 6
Endgame view: Final front lines are wavy lines, Armour wrecks are 'X', Flags are outlined in yellow for clarity, north at top.
Summary- I had most flags but Willard scored big for knocking out 5 panzers


POS v ACSpectre (2nd of mirror pair)
POS tot vic 92% :8%
Armour losses this game: POS 1: ACSpectre 5
Armour losses in tourney so far: POS=154, Oppos=234
Mirrors completed- 14/23
Indiv games completed 30/46
POS Played 30, Won 16, Drawn 8, Lost 6
Endgame view: Final front lines are wavy lines, Armour wrecks are 'X', Flags are outlined in yellow for clarity, north at top.
Summary- he spent heavily on artillery and guns, but i spent heavily on tanks--as usual--, but I was nevertheless unable to break his grip on the neutral main flag..



LEADER BOARD UPDATED Mikey still leads!
(full updated leader board is in first post on page 1)

POS v Bert Blitzkrieg (1st of mirror pair)
Draw, POS 51%: Bert Blitzkrieg 49%
Armour losses this game: POS 10: Bert Blitzkrieg 5
Armour losses in tourney so far: POS=164, Oppos=239
Mirrors completed- 14/23
Indiv games completed 31/46
POS Played 31, Won 16, Drawn 9, Lost 6
Endgame view: Final front lines are wavy lines, Armour wrecks are 'X', Flags are outlined in yellow for clarity, north at top.
Summary- he bled my Valentine force white, but I balanced it out by holding most flags

Nathangun's Valentines move in to finish off my panzer platoon which was already severely mauled after an earlier fierce tank confrontation..

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