Valentines v Pz III's Tourney Archive - for tactical study


After our Draw, Bert Blitzkrieg asked me a question that people have asked me fairly regularly in meeting engagements over the years, he said-
"Was very much surprised to see your infantry arriving on that big flag on
your left and the small centre flag before mine did. Mine had a shorter
distance to travel !"

And my answer is exactly the same as always- "Ha ha, doesn't the 'F' key work on your keyboard?"
Look at these typical examples below from various games in the 'Vals v PzIII's' tourney, I simple hit the 'F' key to make my infantry RUN FAST straight to the flags, and they usually arrive at most of the flags before my opponents, it's not rocket science..:)




Latest from Bert Blitzkrieg-
"I had some of my units on the "fast" command, but
they were tired and changed to move before they were there. Your units
beat them to the flag ! I figured that you had them hitch a ride on your
tanks to get them nearer to the flags !
Perhaps the terrein is a little more difficult on the Germans side of the
map. More hills and wooded area to cross/climb"

My reply- No, the area is the same on both sides of the map and I'll still usually get to most of the flags before my opponents.
Sure, my guys get tired and slow to a walk but they can rest when they get to the flags.
This is a small map so I don't bother riding my men on tanks or buying halftracks and trucks to carry them because it's faster to run..:)
Let me put it as clearly as i can- if anybody doesn't Run their men like I do, they'd be better off poncing about doing Morris Dancing instead of wargaming..;)

I generally run my men through the open ground and walk them through anything else.

In trees/rough etc they don't go that much faster on fast and get tired a lot easier. And as you learnt POS just because you get your troops to the flags first doesn't mean they will necessarily stay there ;)
...And as you learnt POS just because you get your troops to the flags first doesn't mean they will necessarily stay there ;)

Well I've only lost 6 out of 30 Val v PzIII games and am FGM Ladder Leader so i must be doing something right..;)

"I am Poscutus of Borg, resistance is futile!"

I agree that getting to the flags first is frequently to one's advantage, but I give it a bit more consideration now than I used to, at least with infantry. I used to get there as quickly as I could, but a couple of opponents in a row taught me to think it out as my arrival coincided with arty barrages that crushed my little playmobil guys; allowing for my opponent to march in and capture the flag rather easily. But I guess I'm stating the obvious.
Sorry mTk, i accidentally deleted a couple of our earlier posts, I must have pressed a wrong button instead of the quote button duh, here they are again-

POS quote-"Well I've only lost 6 out of 30 Val v PzIII games and am FGM Ladder Leader so i must be doing something right..;)"

mTk reply -I certainly do not wish to demean your playing skills (which are obvious) in any way, and I won't, but I would suggest the overall one-sided record for the Vals lends one to suspect there is something else at work here other than your tactical ability?

POS response- "Yes the Russians are the stronger side, but it's irrelevant because we all play mirrors anyway..:)
Plus of course I usually seize most of the flags first because I don't Morris dance..:)"

(PS- my infantry usually always arrive at most of the Val-PzIII flags on turns 4 and 5)

POS v Bert Blitzkrieg (2nd of mirror pair)
Draw, POS 50%: Bert Blitzkrieg 50%
Armour losses this game: POS 5: Bert Blitzkrieg 9
Armour losses in tourney so far: POS=169, Oppos=248
Mirrors completed- 15/23
Indiv games completed 32/46
POS Played 32, Won 16, Drawn 10, Lost 6
Endgame view: Final front lines are wavy lines, Armour wrecks are 'X', Flags are outlined in yellow for clarity, north at top.
Summary- a Draw like our first game: we both held the same amount of flag points and about the same armour kill pts.



LEADER BOARD UPDATED Mikey still leads!
(full updated leader board is in first post on page 1)

POS v Willard (2nd of mirror pair)
Winner POS (Tactical 69%-31%)
Armour losses this game: POS 8: Willard 9
Armour losses in tourney so far: POS=177, Oppos=257
Mirrors completed- 16/23
Indiv games completed 33/46
POS Played 33, Won 17, Drawn 10, Lost 6
Endgame view: Final front lines are wavy lines, Armour wrecks are 'X', Flags are outlined in yellow for clarity, north at top.
Summary- I fed my Valentines into the meatgrinder of the central flag and took terrible losses but Willard refused to relinquish his grip on it to keep it neutral



LEADER BOARD UPDATED Mikey still leads!
(full updated leader board is in first post on page 1)

POS v Vartuoosi (1st of mirror pair)
Winner- Vartuoosi (minor 61%-39%)
Armour losses this game: POS 5: Vartuoosi 5
Armour losses in tourney so far: POS=182, Oppos=262
Mirrors completed- 16/23
Indiv games completed 34/46
POS Played 34, Won 17, Drawn 10, Lost 7
Endgame view: Final front lines are wavy lines, Armour wrecks are 'X', Flags are outlined in yellow for clarity, north at top.
Summary- After losing my northern panzer platoon, I could only try to defend my positions in the south with my other platoon


POS v Vartuoosi (2nd of mirror pair)
Winner- POS (major 71%-29%)
Armour losses this game: POS 1: Vartuoosi 6
Armour losses in tourney so far: POS=183, Oppos=268
Mirrors completed- 17/23
Indiv games completed 35/46
POS Played 35, Won 18, Drawn 10, Lost 7
Endgame view: Final front lines are wavy lines, Armour wrecks are 'X', Flags are outlined in yellow for clarity, north at top.
Summary-despite pressure from my Valentines, Vartuoosi held the main German flag in a grip of steel



LEADER BOARD UPDATED Mikey still leads!

Only these 6 mirrors to be finished- Zaraza, Nathangun, Red Devil, mTk, Gunner, mfred

(full updated leader board is in first post on page 1)

POS v Zaraza (1st of mirror pair)
Winner- POS (tot 85%-15%)
Armour losses this game: POS 6: Zaraza 14
Armour losses in tourney so far: POS=189, Oppos=282
Mirrors completed- 17/23
Indiv games completed 36/46
POS Played 36, Won 19, Drawn 10, Lost 7
Endgame view: Final front lines are wavy lines, Armour wrecks are 'X', Flags are outlined in yellow for clarity, north at top.
Summary- once again, the PzIII's show they're obsolete by June 43, nevertheless Zaraza still wiped out almost half my Valentines with them..

You might have noticed that i bought only armor :):)
It was to late to change anything once i noticed that this is not armor only game :):):)
Yes I was wondering where your infantry was, i thought the fog-of-war was hiding them..:)
If you'd told me your mistake very early soon after we started, we could have abandoned and started again.
I did that with another guy when he told me very early in the game that he'd bought Val 2-pdrs by mistake instead of the 6-pdr version, so i told him to start again
Zaraza deploys 5 Valentines to sit on the large flag, and detaches 4 more to attack my 4 panzers that are beefing up the small flag..

mTk launches a 2-pronged pincer attack with a total of 6 Valentines (4 bottom, 2 top) against my 3 remaining panzers in that sector and kills them all..


Waddya say Kid?

"They couldn't beat the odds"

POS v Nathangun (2nd of mirror pair)
Draw: POS 47% Nathangun 53%
Armour losses this game: POS 6: Nathangun15
Armour losses in tourney so far: POS=195, Oppos=297
Mirrors completed- 18/23
Indiv games completed 37/46
POS Played 37, Won 19, Drawn 11, Lost 7
Endgame view: Final front lines are wavy lines, Armour wrecks are 'X', Flags are outlined in yellow for clarity, north at top.
Summary- Nathangun obliterated my northern flank and his Valentines exploited into the wide open green fields beyond..



LEADER BOARD UPDATED Mikey still leads!

Only these 5 mirrors to be finished- Zaraza, Red Devil, mTk, Gunner, mfred

(full updated leader board is in first post on page 1)

POS v mTk (1st of mirror pair)
POS tot vic 92%-8%
Armour losses this game: POS 0: mTk 9
Armour losses in tourney so far: POS=195, Oppos=306
Mirrors completed- 18/23
Indiv games completed 38/46
POS Played 38, Won 20, Drawn 11, Lost 7
Endgame view: Final front lines are wavy lines, Armour wrecks are 'X', Flags are outlined in yellow for clarity, north at top.
Summary- Yet again the PzIII proves the weaker tank, the Germans have only won 3 out of the 38 games so far because although the panzer's tiny 50mm shell penetrates well enough, it lacks killing power, a bit like shooting an elephant with a small .22 handgun, you'll kill it eventually but you'll need a lot of shots to do it..

Gunner's panzer group hunts down my Valentine column and begins engaging..
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