World's Shortest Review: CMBN

You're of course right, Facman. What WERE I thinking? How could one EVER expect the spacebar to be ergonomically unfit and not adequate enough... I'll go into a corner now and feel ashamed.
I would prefer to double click a unit to have the menu pop up. Simple. No need for sarcasm. I bet that would take a entry-level programmer less than a few hours to program.
Guys are we still feeding this guy... :mad2: Dude if you dont like the game than dont play the demo and dont buy it.

Just go and play "Hello Kitty Adventure Island" or something.

Sorry I have PTSD and my fuse is real short since...
I can't believe Loozername doesn't even like the game and he got more posts than me.
Well each post is a complaint and since that is what he likes to do...
Its its not its blue....BS its red wouldn't no red from a bucket of poop its blue...piss off you wankers its is not its yellow !!!!! LOL. Waaaaaaay to much caffeine be happening !!!!
It actually sounds like I have constructive things to say and the complaints and static is coming from others.
I have constructive things to say

Such as..."I can't see spending money on something that is a bother to operate", or "The invasion took its sweet time and blundered into very bad terrain. Has the demo done the same thing?", or how about this one..."Any game that feels like 'work' has its design under suspicion. I just don't like the bad interface and 'toll' that the game takes.", or "The orders menus are just a pain to deal with. Again, for a Realtime game, its almost like it is intentionally hobbling the player."...

I haven't played much PCO

Hence the page full of posts at Matrix Games about PCO. Or this gem..."As a comparison, I sort of like the PCO 'slowness' and liken it to games-gone-by.", or "I prefer the PCO camera controls on certain aspects"

My take after this lengthy thread...You are a shill for Matrix, out in the cyber world trying to prop up the game you like at the expense of the competition. How's that working for you? I didn't think so...

I would have taken your critique much more to heart, had you made an attempt to engage the Club here, in a personal manner. That is had you taken the time to make an intro and shared who you are in this world, what your hobbies are etc. Instead, you come with a lot of negative feedback and a pompous attitude. In my country, we would say what you have shared is of little redeeming social value.
Either way there's an UI overhaul already planned (which might well include all the things you want and even more) - probably not gonna make it into CMBN, but CMBA. CMDAGC the latest, but I'm pretty sure we'll have a new UI in our hands rather sooner than later.
Ahhhhh guys we need to back up just a tad.As to the accusation that yoosername is a shil for matrix you folks are off the mark bye about as far as it is possible to be. Panzer Command Ostfront is NOT a new game. Technically its a free update to everyone who owns the earlier games in the series. If you paid for it its because you dont have the base game Kharkov or Winter Storm. If things had worked out according to plan it would have been one hell of a free gift to the Panzer Command community. As it stands it would appear that coding/optimazation issues have spoiled the party at least for now. If there able to get this thing fixed and you have an old copy of Panzer Command Winter storm or Kharkov collecting dust somewhere toss it back in and wander over to matrix and grab your free Ostfront download. So if you hombres are fixin to lynch this guy I would scratch that off the list of reasons.

Yoosername: Near as I can tell everything you have posted to date has cast a negative light on this game which has upset the natives. If you have something positive about the game to add this would probably be a good time to do it. A little more of a balanced approach to posting would definitely be in your best interest . Otherwise the afore mentioned natives will have you screwed,tattooed and served up with an apple in your mouth.

Have a nice day.
In all fairness Yoozer, we don't object to your critique per se, in fact you will find some amongst us that agree with some of your points. It is the constant negative, with no positive to give balance to your posts. I am not saying it need be pretend likes for CMBN post, but a few words from you about yourself, where you live what games you do like and why. This would tend to humanize your otherwise anonymous person-hood, and soften your demeanor and allow for a bit of empathy as a fellow gamer. Now that's just my opinion, but remember, with my opinion and a couple of $$ or Euros you could buy a cup of coffee.
I guess I should blurt out 'I am a combat veteran' when it has absolutely no bearing on the discussion at hand?

You are a paranoid facman. Reread my remarks regarding Matrix PCO. They don't support your crazy argument.
Nope, you need only do what you feel like doing. I was just trying to personalize the relationship. You may not have initially gleaned that we are a somewhat tight knit community, though I suspect you have a better understanding of this now. We get that way by sharing little pieces of ourselves with each other, for example, Bootie is on a health kick, Luis struggles (very admirably) with English, Daisy likes to cook and is a descendent of the Dutch in South Africa, mTk is retired and has a taste for good wine, GenLee has a young daughter and is a teacher. These are the little things that bring us closer and grow the bond which draws us back here time after time. So while you may indeed blurt out something about yourself that doesn't necessarily pertain to the conversation at hand, it will be cherished none the less, for it deepens the bond we make with each other as we discuss/argue/debate the pro's & con's of life's challenges and the mysteries of this hobby we share. Many who frequent this site, call it a club. Not a Ladder, a website or a blog, but a club. This indicates a certain sense of fraternity, one you are all to familiar with if you are a combat Vet. Look back at what you have had to say since you joined us, any jokes or laughter involved? Anything that would allow me to appreciate you as a fellow who puts his pants on one leg at a time?
You may well be right about me being paranoid, and perhaps my psychiatrist just might agree with you, for you see, I am a combat Vet as well, one suffering from a service connected mental illness that leaves me disabled, unable to work and requiring of a Service Dog to allow me to function in a somewhat normal manner. I would remind you however, though I may be paranoid, it doesn't mean I'm not right sometimes.
Can we get three cheers for combat veterans?

Hoera Hoera Hoera!!!

Shall I propose to close this topic before it gets out of hand.
Yoozer nothing personal and if your a combat vet like myself and Pacman you can understand why we react the way we do.
CMBN is in my opinion a great game and something positive would indeed balance your post.
I hope Bootie's got a good day when he next checks this thread, else some heads might roll... this "discussion" is getting weird, and not in a good way.
I think I have posted positive things regarding CMBN. It has, at least, material I am interested in. But the negative people read negative thoughts. And just because you like something, does not make you a positive person.

I think in a critical manner. And, I think, most customers should. One of the definitions of critical is important. It is not a negative thing.

It seems that people think of CM products like one of thier nephews or nieces and get touchy about any conversation in regards to them. I don't get that personal about a niche entertainment product.
I think I have posted positive things regarding CMBN. It has, at least, material I am interested in. But the negative people read negative thoughts. And just because you like something, does not make you a positive person.

I think in a critical manner. And, I think, most customers should. One of the definitions of critical is important. It is not a negative thing.

It seems that people think of CM products like one of thier nephews or nieces and get touchy about any conversation in regards to them. I don't get that personal about a niche entertainment product.

No its not like that at all. If you go talk on a forum offcourse you can talk whatever you like/dislike. But trashing something completely while all in here love it is the same as going on the New York Yankees site when you dont even like baseball and trash the NYY. And I can go on with thousands of example's like that.

So I did not mean to offend you nor do I consider this game as family but trashing something is just #$%&*
The troll will keep posting and posting no matter what.One of the reason of doing so is that the site where he was
trolling is as full of life as a cemetery.The other reason is that due to some kind of childhood trauma,maybe his parrents werent paying much attention to him/her,
he keeps asking for attention in every possible way.
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