Bootie reads the bible....

Like i said. When they need it, they find nice little sentence in bible and they will do it. Like crusaders....
...Only record about that is whats written in Bible.

1- I've been pen-pals with a witch for 13 years and we get on great, I haven't burnt her at the stake yet..:)

2- Remember the bible isn't a single book, its a collection of 66 separate books covering a period of earths history from around 4000 BC (Adam) up to and beyond the time of Jesus-

1- I've been pen-pals with a witch for 13 years and we get on great, I haven't burnt her at the stake yet..:)
Well, you never know :)

....covering a period of earths history from around 4000 BC (Adam) up to and beyond the time of Jesus-

That part is in direct conflict with modern history and everything we know about us and our planet. And we don't just 'know it', it is based on well known, investigated, observed and confirmed facts...both, history of the planet and evolution of human (or any other species).
Well, you never know :)

That part is in direct conflict with modern history and everything we know about us and our planet. And we don't just 'know it', it is based on well known, investigated, observed and confirmed facts...both, history of the planet and evolution of human (or any other species).

Sometimes what we observe we think we understand.


If your eyes follow the movement of the rotating pink dot, the dots will remain only one color, pink. If you look at the cross in the middle the pink dot becomes green.. spooky.

Surely you can't equate an optical illusion with scientific observation and study?

And, anyway, most science is at all times prepared to be proven wrong if new facts and information emerges -- unlike absolute belief systems (which are anyway only absolute until some HUMAN agency (insert church, break-away church faction, sect etc) decides they no longer agree with it and rewrite the rules)
I was actually using it as a metaphor for this discussion.... either side can focus on the outside rotating dot and just see their way as pink, neither willing to believe or accept if they look at the dot in the middle and see the colour of the rotating spot is green. Get me now?
in that case, scientific observation would find out that there are only pink dots, and green one is deception...the one that appears to be there, but it isnt.....
The reading continues...

Abraham and Sarah

Now theres a story....

It all starts of with 3 dudes turning up outside Abrahams (a.k.a Abrams) tent and he rushes out and asks them to wash their feet and then he orders all his servants to rush about and make them a meal..... see... Abraham knew God had sent them to help his wife become pregnant and offered them the best of everything. They liked the way he was offering them everything so they says to him 'Ummm wheres your wife'. Sarah was listening in and it was obvious these 3 dudes who strolled in from the desert were gonna help her conceive... ahem.... wouldnt one have been enough.... so Sarah being about 90 years old chuckled visualising what was in store.

God wasnt happy and said to Sarah 'Oi... why you laughing?'

Sarah replied 'I did not laugh!'

To which God replied 'Yes you did'

I mean in the name of God Almighty... would you really start an argument with God Almighty. Anyways God decided he wasnt having that and said 'I'll be back in a year and Sarah will have a son then' and disappeared.

Putting it out like that the story seems very disjointed and 'strange'.

Why 3 men?

Why argue with God?

Getting away with arguing with God?

God basically going in a huff?

Its interesting to read this and attempt to lay it flat and see what it is actually about. Im at a loss with this one.

In closing I do hope no one is of the opinion Im being disrespectful to the good book or insulting christianity. Im reading it in laymans terms and attempting to come to grips with the meanings and hoping you guys can 'guide' me.

...That part is in direct conflict with modern history and everything we know about us and our planet..

The further back we go in the bible, the more we find metaphor, analogy and symbology, so of course it conflicts with science if we try to read the bible literally instead of with an open mind..:)
.Sometimes what we observe we think we understand.

Right mate, our human minds have limitations as hinted at by this verse-
"God made the worlds so that what is seen is not made out of what was visible" (Heb 11:3 KJV)
..most science is at all times prepared to be proven wrong if new facts and information emerges -- unlike absolute belief systems (which are anyway only absolute until some HUMAN agency (insert church, break-away church faction, sect etc) decides they no longer agree with it and rewrite the rules)

Yes mate, some so-called 'christian' factions and big organised religions are an absolute disgrace, I'd better not name them or people might get upset and this thread will explode bigtime.
All I'll say is this- if they're going to be in heaven, I don't want to go..:)
Christians and the Bible are two different worlds from Science, You can't match them up together in any way, and for sure they would say that science is the Devil,

Some starched-britches fundy 'christians' might say that, but most modern christians would say God gave humans the knowledge to make scientific progress, so let's use that knowledge..:)
..these 3 dudes who strolled in from the desert were gonna help her conceive... ahem.... wouldnt one have been enough.... so Sarah being about 90 years old chuckled visualising what was in store..

90 year old women don't have babies, so the whole story is a vehicle for God to demonstrate his awesome power by saying "oh yeah, wanna bet?"
Ok how about those guys that arent interested in discussing the bible leave this thread alone. This is for my own benefit and to discuss the bible... not science.... basically you guys can go round and round in circles and still end up at the start... we each have our beliefs and although we have been very civil so far in this thread calling each other out and asking each other to answer questions that cant be answered is pointless.
Ok how about those guys that arent interested in discussing the bible leave this thread alone. This is for my own benefit and to discuss the bible... not science.... basically you guys can go round and round in circles and still end up at the start... we each have our beliefs and although we have been very civil so far in this thread calling each other out and asking each other to answer questions that cant be answered is pointless.

You are right.
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