Bootie reads the bible....

Science may be fact as in testing and proving thing's, so like I say you either believe in this or you believe in the Bible...either way you Quote you believe in one or the other

That's what i am talking about. You don't need to believe in scientific statement. You can test it and prove it true or false....Opposite to this, you must take religious statements for granted. They are impossible to test, and only thing you left is to believe.
Of course, but...first of all, term theory in science is not used like in everyday life..
Second, theories are there to be confirmed or rejected - based on research, facts....simple - real life data.
Why do scientists call it the Theory of Evolution?
Why don't they call it the Fact of Evolution?
A theory is just a set of hunches and guesses! must take religious statements for granted. They are impossible to test..

Jesus called God "the Creator" (Matt 19:4)
Look at this below, it resembles a printed circuit board but is really a cats retina.
Atheists say it isn't evidence of a creator and that it just wired itself together, ha ha they're funny guys..:)

Scientists are often wrong, remember the "unsinkable" Titanic?
A question and answer dialogue with them might go like this-

Q- Why is it unsinkable?
A- It's too big to sink

Q-what if it hit an iceberg?
A- impossible,the helmsman would see the berg and avoid it

Q- But supposing it did sink, why aren't there enough lifeboats?
A- There are enough for the women and children

Q- But what about the men?
A- There are plenty of lifejackets to go round, they won't drown

Q- But what if they get hypothermia in the cold water?
A- The Atlantic is a busy shipping route and other ships would quickly respond to the SOS and would soon be there to pull them out of the water
Why do scientists call it the Theory of Evolution?
Why don't they call it the Fact of Evolution?
A theory is just a set of hunches and guesses!

Thats what i'm saying. It is not. This is how common people (and creationists) imagine what theory is.
In science, theory is most important thing. It's model which is used to collect and interpret data, and is much important than the 'laws'. Theory of gravitation puts it into much wider context, but law of gravity is essentially only mathematical expression.
So, theory of Evolution itself is scientific model which explains fact of Evolution and put single data into wider context. Fossils, genome of living animals and many other things, show us how and what Evolution was in past, making Evolution one of the best , most confirmed theories in modern science.

Look at this below, it resembles a printed circuit board but is really a cats retina.

To me it looks like fence. Or Zulu tribe on warpath.
It is not important what does it resembles, it's important what it is.

Atheists say it isn't evidence of a creator and that it just wired itself together

Again, evolution is not based on coincidence, it is based on laws of nature.
Scientists are often wrong, remember the "unsinkable" Titanic?
A question and answer dialogue with them might go like this-

Yes, creationist and believers does not know what science is, so they imagine science like this...True dialoge would sound like this:

Q- Why is it unsinkable?
A- Because it has many safety chambers which should take excess water and keep ship floating. Howeer, i wouldn't call it unsinkable. It's irresponsible.

Q-what if it hit an iceberg?
A- We have trained crew and observers. This event is unlikely.

Q- But supposing it did sink, why aren't there enough lifeboats?
A- There are enough for the women and children. And if investor add extra money, we will have lifeboats for everybody.

Q- But what about the men?
A- There are plenty of lifejackets to go round, they won't drown. Unfortunately , they are good only for warm water. We all know that human can't survive in cold water more than few minutes. Even if there is ship nearby, it's very unlikely that is less than 10-15 minutes away. Of course, captain should keep with the common route.
The Theory of Evolution will remain just a theory because it's full of holes and missing links.
But Jesus was a fact because he was seen by the entire nation of Israel and the roman army garrison for 3 years, that's thousands of eyewitnesses.
He blew their socks off by bending the laws of physics and manipulating this dream called reality to perform 'miracles'.
That's why an unknown young carpenter from a few mud huts called Nazareth became the biggest name on the planet for the next 2000 years.
To dismiss him and that evidence is simply unscientific..;)
Scientists can analyse and describe an amoeba in perfect detail-

"The isolated plasma membrane of Acanthamoeba castellanii consists of approximately 27% lipid, 37% phosphoglycan, and 37% protein. About 60% of the protein migrates as a polypeptide of 15,000 daltons in sodium dodecyl sulfate-acrylamide gel electrophoresis. The phosphoglycan is resolved electrophoretically into two components which migrate ahead of the major polypeptide band. These three components are also detectable upon electrophoretic analysis of whole amoebae and they do not change in concentration when amoeba homogenates are incubated for 6 hours at 25o. These and other controls support the conclusion that the apparently simple macromolecular composition of the amoeba plasma membrane is not an artifact of the isolation procedure. In some preparations actin is associated with the plasma membranes as a nonmembranous component"- (from Science website)

But they can't MAKE one..:)
The Theory of Evolution will remain just a theory because it's full of holes and missing links.

I have just explained that it is not 'just a theory', and what theory means.

But Jesus was a fact because he was seen by the entire nation of Israel and the roman army garrison for 3 years, that's thousands of eyewitnesses.

Jesus, like person, was a fact. Miracles are not fact. There is no other record of that except the one in bible.

To dismiss him and that evidence is simply unscientific..;)

What evidence?
Zaraza science cant explain what happened at Sodom and Gomorrah and why these sulfur balls (98%) are not found anywhere else on the planet?

Science first needs to find out if they actually existed. Like it is said before, Bible is full of metaphors, so we can't claim that this one is representing real thing.
Zaraza quote- I have just explained that it [the Theory of Evolution] is not 'just a theory', and what theory means.
POS reply- There's a theory that there is a God, but why do atheists reject that theory?..;)

Zaraza quote- Jesus, like person, was a fact. Miracles are not fact. There is no other record of that except the one in bible.
POS reply- The New Testament is a collection of many eyewitness accounts of Jesus , how many more do you need?

POS quote-Scientists can analyse and describe an amoeba in perfect detail, but they can't MAKE one..
Zaraza reply- So?
POS answer- Scientists know what all the bits are, so why don't they simply make all the bits in the laboratory and put them together? An amoeba is soooo simple.
Or why don't they make retinas for blind people? Jesus did..;)
Zaraza quote (re sulfur balls)- Science first needs to find out if they actually existed. Like it is said before, Bible is full of metaphors, so we can't claim that this one is representing real thing.

POS reply-Sulfur balls DO exist, look at the Sodom/Gomorrah video where scientists are picking them up and examining them.
Zaraza quote- I have just explained that it [the Theory of Evolution] is not 'just a theory', and what theory means.
POS reply- There's a theory that there is a God, but why do atheists reject that theory..;)

Because it is not scientific theory and it does not fit in theory definition.
That 'theory' is exactly what you said few posts ago: 'guess and hunch'

Zaraza quote- Jesus, like person, was a fact. Miracles are not fact. There is no other record of that except the one in bible.
POS reply- The New Testament is a collection of many eyewitness accounts of Jesus , how many more do you need?

First, we don't know if those eyewitnesses are only metaphor for something else. Or just something that should put little weight on that claim.
Second, if really there are witnesses, their statements are unreliable. Eyewitness is nothing without evidence.
Third, if really there are witnesses, how do we know it's not a fraud? David Copperfield also can gather thousands of witnesses.

POS answer- Scientists know what all the bits are, so why don't they simply make all the bits in the laboratory and put them together? An amoeba is soooo simple.
They will. Maybe not today, maybe not tommorow, but i think that this kind of engineering is not far away.

Or why don't they make retinas for blind people? Jesus did..;)

Actually, making, better say growing organs from human cells is in great expansion last few years.
And if we are going to make artificial retinas, we will make more advanced retinas, which can gather more light, be sensitive on IR light, or whatever that customer wants.
Sulfur balls DO exist, look at the Sodom/Gomorrah video where scientists are picking them up and examining them.

I didn't say they don't exist. I'm saying that first we have to find out if or where are those two cities.
Then we must find out what happened to them, what does sulfur balls represents and if they are related to that disaster.
Zaraza quote- "if really there are witnesses, their statements are unreliable. Eyewitness is nothing without evidence"
POS reply- Every day, the police and courts of law rely on eyewitness testimonies so that the judge and jury can decide the case..:)

Zaraza quote- "if really there are witnesses, how do we know it's not a fraud? David Copperfield also can gather thousands of witnesses"
POS reply- Can David Copperfield bring dead people back to life?

Zaraza quote (re scientists making amoebas)- "They will. Maybe not today, maybe not tommorow, but i think that this kind of engineering is not far away"
POS reply- Prove it..;)

Zaraza quote- "And if we are going to make artificial retinas, we will make more advanced retinas, which can gather more light, be sensitive on IR light, or whatever that customer wants"
POS reply- Why hasn't the theory of evolution already created those advanced retinas? Why has evolution stopped?
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