Valentines v Pz III's Tourney Archive - for tactical study

Re: Valentines v Pz III's Tourney


POS v Enven (1st of mirror pair)
Winner POS (Russ) Maj vic 74%-26%
Armour losses: POS=5, Enven=8
Mirrors completed- 3/21
Indiv games completed 7/42
POS Played 7, Won 4, Drawn 2, Lost 1
Endgame map showing final front lines (wavy lines), north at top.
Flags outlined in white for clarity.

Re: Valentines v Pz III's Tourney


POS v Enven (2nd of mirror pair)
Winner Enven (Russ) Tactical vic 66%-34%
Armour losses: POS=11, Enven=6
Mirrors completed- 4/21
Indiv games completed 8/42
POS Played 8, Won 4, Drawn 2, Lost 2
Endgame map showing final front lines (wavy lines), north at top.
Flags outlined in white for clarity.



Tank Combat Badge cyber-award to Enven for killing all my armour (10 panzers and a Stummel)


LEADER BOARD UPDATED Jonny stays in the lead!
(Full listings in first post on page 1)
Re: Valentines v Pz III's Tourney


POS v Wardog (1st of mirror pair)
Winner POS (Russ) Total vic 92%-8%
Armour losses: POS=2, Wardog=7
Mirrors completed- 4/21
Indiv games completed 9/42
POS Played 9, Won 5, Drawn 2, Lost 2
Endgame map showing final front lines (wavy lines), north at top.
Flags outlined in white for clarity.

Re: Valentines v Pz III's Tourney

My 4 x panzers (blue ring) huddle on static garrison duty in the shelter of the wood hoping to maintain a presence to keep the flag neutral, but Mikey launches a 3-pronged Valentine attack and rips them to pieces in the crossfire..
Re: Valentines v Pz III's Tourney

It's turn 23 and i send my Vals forward to get as much heavy metal near the flag as possible to hopefully control it; Seel's German infantry are lying low in the woods thicker than fleas on a hound dawgs back but my Vals 57mm HE shells don't have enough blast to winkle them out, i'd give my right arm for a couple of SU-152's..

EDIT- The game ended next turn and the flag stayed neutral
Re: Valentines v Pz III's Tourney


POS v Seel (1st of mirror pair)
Winner POS (Russ) Tactical vic 65%-35%
Armour losses: POS=6, Seel=9
Mirrors completed- 4/21
Indiv games completed 10/42
POS Played 10, Won 6, Drawn 2, Lost 2
Endgame map showing final front lines (wavy lines), north at top.
Flags outlined in white for clarity.

Re: Valentines v Pz III's Tourney


POS v Seel (2nd of mirror pair)
Draw, POS 51%, Seel 49%
Armour losses: POS=6, Seel=8
Mirrors completed- 5/21
Indiv games completed 11/42
POS Played 11, Won 6, Drawn 3, Lost 2
Endgame map showing final front lines (wavy lines), north at top.
Flags outlined in white for clarity.



LEADER BOARD UPDATED Jonny stays in the lead!
(Full listing is in first post on page 1)
Re: Valentines v Pz III's Tourney

TECHNICAL NOTE- Sorry if some of the screenshots look as if the colours have run in the arrows and lines I've painted, that's because I did some of them in JPEG format to save on processor display time.
I thought i could get away with it but obviously not, so from now on i'll do screenshots in GIF format, they might take a little longer to display on slower computers, but the colours shouldn't run.
But for the endgame overhead map views i shall do them in PNG format to retain maximum crispness, it's better than GIF but eats up processor power and adds display lag but that's the price we have to pay for high-definition pics..;)
(PS- another well-known format is BMP but i never use it because it doesn't hold painted-on colours at all well)

Incidentally, JPEG is fine for photos, it's just not so good for screenshots and painting.
Re: Valentines v Pz III's Tourney

PNG is supposed to be the best, but the lag display time can be horrendous if there are a bunch of PNG shots in the same thread, that's why I only use PNG for the occasional high-definition screenshot where I've painted lots of fine lines and text etc on it..
Otherwise GIF is quite adequate for most screenshots.
JPEG colours tend to run, so that's a no-no for screenshots.
As for BMP, don't even think about it, the colours blur so much it'd look like a Picasso abstract.
Re: Valentines v Pz III's Tourney

Mikey's Russians overun my flag outpost..
Re: Valentines v Pz III's Tourney


POS v Mikey (1st of mirror pair)
Winner Mikey (Russian) Major vic 78%-22%
Armour losses: POS=10, Mikey=8
Mirrors completed- 5/21
Indiv games completed 12/42
POS Played 12, Won 6, Drawn 3, Lost 3
Endgame map showing final front lines (wavy lines), north at top.
Flags outlined in white for clarity.



Tank Combat Badge cyber-award to Mikey for killing all my armour (10 panzers)
Re: Valentines v Pz III's Tourney

USS Wyoming's Bren carrier at 1 has been spraying my German infantry in the woods at 2, so I send 3x panzers (3) to swat it like a fly, what could possibly go wrong?
Groan, a previously-unspotted gun at 4 opens up, it's only a low-velocity infantry gun but it immobilises one panzer and damages the gun of another.
Meanwhile the Bren carrier scurries off to safety (5)
Re: Valentines v Pz III's Tourney

Inset- Mikey's German light artillery barrage knocked out my centre Valentine, but it wasn't til the end of the game that the shooter was spotted, an 81mm mortar (main picture)..
Re: Valentines v Pz III's Tourney


POS v Mikey (2nd of mirror pair)
Draw (Mikey Ger) 50%-50%
Armour losses: POS=13, Mikey=12
Mirrors completed- 6/21
Indiv games completed 13/42
POS Played 13, Won 6, Drawn 4, Lost 3
Endgame map showing final front lines (wavy lines), north at top. Mikey pocketed most of the Russians.
Flags outlined in white for clarity.



Tank Combat Badge cyber-award to Mikey for killing all my armour (13 Vals)



LEADER BOARD UPDATED Mikey new leader!
(Full leader board listing is in first post on page 1)
Re: Valentines v Pz III's Tourney

Great games POS, I thoroughly enjoyed this Tourney.

My grip on 1st place is tenuous at best, and I fully anticipate to be dethroned before long...

Until then, I've got my popcorn to enjoy the battles of others! :popcorn:
Re: Valentines v Pz III's Tourney


6 out of 21 mirrors (12 out of 42 indiv games) have been completed to date, and the results of the 12 are-
Russian players won 7, German players won 1. (4 drawn)

Clearly, the Russians are the stronger side which is put down to three factors:-
1- the Vals are cheaper to buy and the Russian player can therefore afford more tanks than the German
2- the Panzers smaller shell often needs 2 or more penetrations to kill a Val
3- at longer ranges the Panzers smaller shell runs out of penetrating power.

Another thing worth mentioning is that infantry of both sides are very difficult to blast out of trees and buildings with tank HE fire because of the small blast ratings of the 57mm and 50mm guns.
Re: Valentines v Pz III's Tourney


POS v Wardog (2nd of mirror pair)
Draw (Wardog Russ) Wardog 53%, POS 47%
Armour losses: POS=9, Wardog=13
Mirrors completed- 7/21
Indiv games completed 14/42
POS Played 14, Won 6, Drawn 5, Lost 3
Endgame map showing final front lines (wavy lines), north at top. Flags outlined in white for clarity



LEADER BOARD UPDATED Mikey still the leader!
(Full leader board listing is in first post on page 1)
Re: Valentines v Pz III's Tourney

Vartuoosi's Valentines take my panzer column head on pointblank, wiping out the 3 front ones for the loss of one or two Vals. My two surviving Germans slam into reverse to try to get away but one is cut down, bringing the total panzers lost (X's) in the engagement to 4 out of 5, almost half my entire tank force in this game..
"Can such things be, that o'ercome us like a summer's cloud without our special wonder?
You make me strange even to that disposition which I owe, when I think you can behold such sights and keep the natural ruby of your cheeks, while mine are blanched with fear"- Macbeth

Re: Valentines v Pz III's Tourney

With a Stummel (75mm short) in close support, Bert Blitzkrieg's Germans storm the wood..
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